Leadership question

By X Wing Nut, in Star Wars: Destiny

Leadership (Red) (Event) (141)

Card text "Exhaust one of your unique Red characters to ready another character."

just want to know how this works. Say Ackbar has not activated and has 1 health left Rey has activated and all her dice are in play.

I use this card to Exhaust Ackbar and ready Rey can I...

wait till all her dice have been spent and activate her again and resolve her dice?

do I just get a chance to reroll her dice that are in play?

say she has 2 upgrades and elite for 4 dice, 2 spent and returned to her card(s) 2 in play, can I acativate her and only roll the 2 on her card(s) or all

or all the above?

Yes wait till all her dice have been spent and activate her again and resolve her dice including upgrade's.

it's a useful/powerful ability that could end the game quickly.

Yes wait till all her dice have been spent and activate her again and resolve her dice including upgrade's.

it's a useful/powerful ability that could end the game quickly.
