I have started down the dark path and fear my life will be dominated by Destiny.

By X Wing Nut, in Star Wars: Destiny

X Wing led to Armada

Armada led to Imperial Assault

Imperial Assault led to Destiny

I sense little money in my future. :(

Why FFG do you keep making games for me to spend all my money on instead of buying my kids Christmas presents???

At least Rebellion has no Expansions

anyone else lacking in money to give FFG?

You didn't buy destiny for you kids?

still a bit to young and I don't think I could sell my wife on the idea :(

At least Rebellion has no Expansions


still a bit to young and I don't think I could sell my wife on the idea :(

My daughter started playing X-wing when she was 4....

You didn't buy destiny for you kids?

...and now when she is 7 she is like: Dad when you finally gonna buy those dice cards you showed me... :D

Edited by Vitalis

At least Rebellion has no Expansions


still a bit to young and I don't think I could sell my wife on the idea :(

My daughter started playing X-wing when she was 4....

You didn't buy destiny for you kids?

...and now when she is 7 she is like: Dad when you finally gonna buy those dice cards you showed me... :D

You've got yourself a good daughter. Raising that kid right!

My daughter is 10 and CANNOT wait for this to be released. I can't either, to be honest. I've fully given myself to the dark side. It is my destiny.

Edited by senorcoo

X Wing Nut, you are not alone. I went the same path as you to SW:Destiny :blink:

Mine path was...

Star Wars LCG led to X-Wing,

X-wing led to Imperial Assault

IA led to Rebellion (which was going to happen anyways)

and now this to Destiny

My path is a simple one....

"OOOooooooooo...... Star Wars! I MUST HAVE IT!!!"


Mine was Star Wars CCG (Decipher).

Then Young Jedi (but that lasted a whole month).

Then silence for years, though sprinkled with a little Star Wars RPG.

Then X-Wing.

Then Imperial Assault.

Now Destiny.


I'm all for Destiny, but I think it will stay a filler game between Armada matches, as I don't have much Imperial Assault around me and I find X-Wing a bit repetitive.

However, if Destiny and Armada tournaments end up on different days, then I will be attempting to convince my wife that two Saturdays of star wars games away from her and the kids is a totally normal adult thing to do.


Edited by Vitalis

However, if Destiny and Armada tournaments end up on different days, then I will be attempting to convince my wife that two Saturdays of star wars games away from her and the kids is a totally normal adult thing to do.

This is the real battle we must all face. When the battle is won and you are at the tournament you dont care if you win or loss the games as you have already won the war

At least Rebellion has no Expansions


At least Rebellion has no Expansions


Do you really think it will? I'm inclined to think it will not.

Mine was Star Wars CCG (Decipher).

Then Young Jedi (but that lasted a whole month).

Then silence for years, though sprinkled with a little Star Wars RPG.

Then X-Wing.

Then Imperial Assault.

Now Destiny.


Same for me though I did buy *one* booster of WOTC's SWTCG to see how it looked and quickly decided I'd be passing on it.

I'm starting to think I have an addiction to collectable dice games... First Dice masters, now this!

Fortunatly I can siphon the funds that would go to the (now ended) 40K conquest LCG into Destiny.

You didn't buy destiny for you kids?

Actually thinking about it, this probably would have been funnier to have said:

"What you didn't sell your kids to buy Destiny?" :blink: :lol:

I'm starting to think I have an addiction to collectable dice games... First Dice masters, now this!

Fortunatly I can siphon the funds that would go to the (now ended) 40K conquest LCG into Destiny.

Ditto. All my conquest money will now go to Destiny

At least Rebellion has no Expansions


Do you really think it will? I'm inclined to think it will not.

ha ha my comment for more of a joke than a prediction...

however I could totally see them doing it someday. Although the game doesn't really NEED it at all. If anything it might get a 2nd edition or a sister-game that is somehow different - perhaps similar engine, but truly multiplayer or 4X.

At least Rebellion has no Expansions


Do you really think it will? I'm inclined to think it will not.

ha ha my comment for more of a joke than a prediction...

however I could totally see them doing it someday. Although the game doesn't really NEED it at all. If anything it might get a 2nd edition or a sister-game that is somehow different - perhaps similar engine, but truly multiplayer or 4X.

You didn't buy destiny for you kids?

Actually thinking about it, this probably would have been funnier to have said:

"What you didn't sell your kids to buy Destiny?" :blink: :lol:

there are days I would trade them for a box of boosters

some days 1 booster

today is one of those days.....

anyone want a 4 year old with a bad attitude who wont eat there dinner??

ill trade you a common

At least Rebellion has no Expansions

Do you really think it will? I'm inclined to think it will not.
ha ha my comment for more of a joke than a prediction...

however I could totally see them doing it someday. Although the game doesn't really NEED it at all. If anything it might get a 2nd edition or a sister-game that is somehow different - perhaps similar engine, but truly multiplayer or 4X.

My opinion exactly.

:( :( :( :( :(

but also :D

Edited by X Wing Nut

You didn't buy destiny for you kids?

Actually thinking about it, this probably would have been funnier to have said:

"What you didn't sell your kids to buy Destiny?" :blink: :lol:

there are days I would trade them for a box of boosters

some days 1 booster

today is one of those days.....

anyone want a 4 year old with a bad attitude who wont eat there dinner??

ill trade you a common

Parenting is like psychological warfare. Give them some chances to do what you say. Explain that there will be consequences for disobedience. Make NO empty threats. Bad behavior continues? This is how it breaks out from there. Find the thing - toy, lovey, etc. - that they love the most. That's your target. "Don't want to eat your dinner? No problem." I get up, go to their treasured item, take it, grab a garbage bag, and ask them if they still don't want to eat. "No? Ok." Toss it in the garbage bag (so it stays clean when you throw it in the trash), tie it up and march toward the trash. You'd be amazed at the level of compliance I get. They'll be pissed, but do it enough times and you eventually won't even have to get to the garbage can, you won't have to get up, you'll just have to question, "No?" Then they know what's coming after that.

Edited by senorcoo