Hey guys,
Before I ask for your help, I wanna give you a little context to how I landed at wanting to run this campaign.
First facet: After playing/GM'ing for a couple years now, I've never actually seen characters with top-tier talents unlocked and I've barely seen high-level skills. I want to see that so I decided to run a Knight-Level campaign, give PC's a chance to really throw down high level talent trees against suitably powered foes.
Second facet: Gritty Star Wars Art Gallery on Imgur . I love this gallery for a million reasons (SO much inspiration, especially the wounded Stormtrooper in the smoke) but read the captions and see where my inspiration comes from. I've thought for a long time about the Imperial side of the galaxy, and especially in this Game of Thrones-esque era of storytelling, it's far more interesting to me to see the gray in characters and stories than to just hear "mwahaha, we're evil kings" and "we are the hero come to save the world yay!" That just bores me now. Great villains don't think they're villains, right? SO:
*****I want to play a campaign where the PC's are in command of a Star Destroyer that shows the benevolent side of the Empire*****
It's all a matter of perspective, right?
Third facet: Modular. Personally I like doing long storylines better than modular/episodic sessions, but given how many people I know who want to have characters, I can't accommodate all of them, so I think the best way to maintain some form of continuity is to basically handle it like any sci-fi show like TNG or BSG: not every episode has to have all the characters.
Fourth facet: Capital ship battles. PC's Star Destroyer v. a Mon-Cal cruiser. Need I say more?
Okay, all that in mind, I'm coming up with plenty of my own episodes (with inspiration from the shows I already mentioned), but I'd love to get resources, character/scenario input, episode ideas, or even whole modules if anyone's willing to share. For help narrowing it down, here's some parameters I've thought of:
- Campaign shows another side of the Empire. They protect colonists, try to route out the terrorist/seditionist rebels who are known to kill civilians in their quest to "bring down" the Empire.
- PC's would start as career Empire, contracted Empire, or even potential Rebel sympathizer/traitor.
- They could choose any position they want aboard the ISD except for the Captain and attending First Officer
- The Force would be available if desired
- PC's ISD is given special dispensation from the Empire to include multiple species and a wide variety of internal arrays for, say, a scientist or biologist PC, maybe a trade-negotiating Politico? Not limiting to human-only either.
- Knight Level PC's means they should be dealing with challenges suitable to something an ISD would be called upon to handle.
Episode/Mission ideas
(With occasional exceptions, each mission should be contained enough to be a single session)
- Traitor: PC's must discover a Rebel traitor aboard their ship
- Find and deal with a pirate fleet hassling trade routes
- Escort colonists to a new world, deal with s**t on the way
- Hunt down a Rebel terror cell that slaughtered Imperial civilians in a search for weapons
- Deal with xenophobia within their ranks
- Science missions, Star Trek style
- and so on
So yeah, that's where I've started. Im planning to map out essential parts of the ship for home base, possibly get a few Armada models, and go from there! But any suggestions, input, rules, mission ideas, concepts to tackle, even full modular campaigns if you're willing to share would be hugely appreciated! Thanks guys!
PS, I apologize if I'm slow responding back to stuff, got a lot on my plate these days and working hard to carve time out to do this.