Hi all,
Has anyone experimented or thought about possible limited formats? (draft/sealed)
For a collectible game, this is surely lacking in the possibilities for a limited format: and I've only found two solutions with the current packaging, neither of which I really like.
1) A cube - but that's very narrow use and not really a tournament format. Drafting with the current product is basically impossible (except using #2's character selection as a start point).
2) Sealed with everyone having access to any and all of the non-unique characters. Once you allow people to bring unique characters then this degenerates and the sealed pool becomes less worthwhile. Depending on the sealed pool size, it may be necessary to life the villain/hero restriction.
In the future, and I hope FFG reads this: make your packs 10 cards, 2x dice (1 guaranteed character) to allow for limited play, or create a draft/sealed starter with random characters in them. This has problems with the collectability, of course, and would need to be balanced appropriately. As it stands not being able to do a limited format in a collectable game will probably turn many people off unless the game is balanced perfectly for constructed play. At least if there is some significant constructed imbalance: limited generally levels itself off with the randomness.