FFG accidentally just spoiled their next cycle on Twitter

By Ajones47, in Star Wars: Destiny

It's Rogue One. The tweet itself reads (used to read) " Rogue One enters STAR WARS: Destiny with SPIRIT OF REBELLION BOOSTER PACKS! " followed by a few hashtags and a link to an article that doesn't exist yet.

So series two is called 'Spirit of Rebellion' and seems to focus heavily on the new movie. I'm not that surprised - when you answer to a franchise, you gotta play the tie-in game. Still, I hope we'll see a sprinkling of other characters for good measure. Thoughts? Expectations? ... Lamentations?

Edited by Ajones47

Still, I hope we'll see a sprinkling of other characters for good measure.

I'm sure this will be the case. After all, the core set is called "Awakenings" but has the full saga included, not just The Force Awakens stuff.

I heard Chewie will be in this set!!


I heard Chewie will be in this set!!



I heard Chewie will be in this set!!



The Knights of Ren podcast with Lukas Litzsinger. He pretty much confirmed that Chewie (might) make a appearance in the next set.

Edited by sharoth

Lukas said " Han will no longer be flying solo ... "

Like past Star Wars collectible games, an expansion name and theme doesn't necessarily restrict it to only that content. It's in FFG's best interest to draw as many people as possible to each expansion. That can be done by mixing in different characters from different eras.

I would like to see Rebels boosters at some point down the line as there some nice characters that would work for Destiny on both side of the force, and I can't wait for Lando, that could make me play the Light side more then ever (but Elite General Grievous/ Jango Fett is still fun with the AT ST stomping all over the battlefield)

Edited by Torg

I want me some blind ninja Jedi action, baby!

Edited by senorcoo

I would like to see Rebels boosters at some point down the line as there some nice characters that would work for Destiny on both side of the force, and I can't wait for Lando, that could make me play the Light side more then ever (but Elite General Grievous/ Jango Fett is still fun with the AT ST stomping all over the battlefield)

With the Rebels showing up in both X-wing and the Star Wars LCG, I am positive they will find their way to Destiny (only eventually)

I would like to see Rebels boosters at some point down the line as there some nice characters that would work for Destiny on both side of the force, and I can't wait for Lando, that could make me play the Light side more then ever (but Elite General Grievous/ Jango Fett is still fun with the AT ST stomping all over the battlefield)

With the Rebels showing up in both X-wing and the Star Wars LCG, I am positive they will find their way to Destiny (only eventually)

I'm counting on it! I'm hoping they show up as playable campaign characters in Imperial Assault!

Technically, the Rebels characters can be seen in the game already. They're the art on the card "All in" in Awakenings. Mind you, they aren't character cards yet, but still...

And Chopper is on Electroshock!

Maybe we'll get a Rebels version of Ahsoka.

I'll be shocked if Spirit of Rebellion doesn't draw heavily from Rebels as well. FFG/Disney has been putting serious focus on the new stuff lately, and it just makes too much sense from a business perspective.

The distribution of characters in Awakenings isn't perfect, but generally each side and color gets one character from each era - Prequels, OT, and Force Awakens. I think Rebels can easily provide 6 characters for its era.

My kids will completely lose it if the Star Wars Rebels characters feature strongly in the next set. Personally, I'm a big Captain Rex and Asajj Ventress guy. If they're in, and I don't pull them, you can be assured that I will hunt down. I will need the Captain and my beloved.

Already removed? Looks like they went Rogue...

To me, it makes sense to tag-along with the hype of a new Star Wars film, but also to make sure there is a lot of familiar stuff especially so new into the game's life, as for the most part we don't really have much of a connection with the Rogue One characters yet. I know how different I would feel pulling, say, a Darth Maul versus a Jyn Erso, since I have a lot of history and connection with the former and not with the latter yet, though of course I expect this to change once the film is out and I've digested it for a while.

Heh...I read another post on FB where someone theorized that the "leak" was a nod to the "going rogue" idea in the film itself. Even if that's not true that's a great idea, LOL!