Rule questions

By Arkaini, in Star Wars: Destiny

Sorry if these have been answered before, new to the fourms.

Started playing the game with my wife, and we had some different opinions.

Yes I know a bad spot for me to be in but here I go

The focus dice.

Online rules says

"Turns a number of other dice in the players dice pool to the sides of their choice. The number of dice they turn is equal to or less than th value of symbol"

- players dice pool. As in multiple people. Can we change the dice on any die that's in play.?

The rule in the quick rules says

"Turn that many other dice in your pool"

- straight forward only yours

Which one is correct to use, or even better does th first rule mean I can turn my opponents dice?

Next question regarding specials

Rule on the online PDF says

Specials have a value of 0

In the quick start

Specials never have a value

Does anyone know the correct one to use?


Once again sorry if been asked before

Always, ALWAYS use the RRG for rules questions.

The RRG is the primary rule source, followed closely by the FAQ and Errata (the first of which we will see on Dec 1st)

So, if there is a conflict in basic rule flow between the quick start guide and the RRG (online pdf), the RRG wins out, always.

As for the question on focus, "the players dice pool" is not plural, YOU are the player in this case, and the dice pool in question is yours. Focus only works on your dice.