I Just got this Terrifying Feeling No One Around me will be carrying at launch

By derekwildstar, in Star Wars: Destiny

There are several gaming stores around my town, but FFG support in general seems limited. I didn't pre-order any booster boxes, and now I'm realizing these places might not be carrying until greater client base is established. There's been no talk in my area about this game whatsoever. Now who'm I gonna get my booster boxes from? Unless Target happens to carry it in their tiny trading card section, I may be SOL. *Sadface*. Here's to hopefully being wrong!

There is always online.

My fear is that it will be sold out by noon at every shop around me, and it will be out of stock on ffg's site by two pm.

Should have asked you lgs to order you a box if you were concerned. Also the only way to get it going is to play it... See if you can run some kind of demo.

Well with the way the launch will be limited, even if the store wanted to carry it there's no way on wave 1 they could've really fulfilled many pre-orders it sounds like.

Have you tried to use this (or the X-wing) board to look for local players?

How many stores are in the "Oak Ridge, Tennessee" area?

There are several gaming stores around my town, but FFG support in general seems limited. I didn't pre-order any booster boxes, and now I'm realizing these places might not be carrying until greater client base is established. There's been no talk in my area about this game whatsoever. Now who'm I gonna get my booster boxes from? Unless Target happens to carry it in their tiny trading card section, I may be SOL. *Sadface*. Here's to hopefully being wrong!

We have quite a few people that will be playing in Knoxville. Here's our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/315605352128810/

Also, I know that SFC in Knoxville will be carrying Destiny. But they may only have the booster packs and not entire booster boxes (at least initially). I'm not sure about Stablers in Oak Ridge or the other stores in Knoxville off hand.

There is always online.

True but the game would thrive better if you bought it from local shops.

You will be able to buy this at Wal-Mart, etc also

Edited by Rogue 4

There is always online.

True but the game would thrive better if you bought it from local shops.

You will be able to buy this at Wal-Mart, etc also

What is your source for the a bigbox release? I have read no where official stating that just people guessing.

We have quite a few people that will be playing in Knoxville. Here's our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/315605352128810/

Also, I know that SFC in Knoxville will be carrying Destiny. But they may only have the booster packs and not entire booster boxes (at least initially). I'm not sure about Stablers in Oak Ridge or the other stores in Knoxville off hand.

I'll probably be in touch. SFC isn't too far, I'll probably check them out.

Maybe there should be a thread started with potential organized play locations. Even just mentioning what area you're in could yield some player interest.

My local store posted that they were shorted on product, and will have a limit of 4 boosters per person per day until they run out, or the next wave of stuff gets shipped. I'm hoping my CoolStuffInc order makes it to me before Christmas...

My local store got one of each starter box. One.

I get wanting to get the product out as soon as possible. But what's going to happen is interested players are going to see it's been released, see it's sold out everywhere, and move on to something else. I'd rather wait an extra month for a full release and be able to just walk into a place and get it rather than having to scour my local stores and the internet hoping someone managed to get enough to actually sell.

My local store got one of each starter box. One.

I get wanting to get the product out as soon as possible. But what's going to happen is interested players are going to see it's been released, see it's sold out everywhere, and move on to something else. I'd rather wait an extra month for a full release and be able to just walk into a place and get it rather than having to scour my local stores and the internet hoping someone managed to get enough to actually sell.

One Kylo and one Rey starter for the entire store? Why even have it in the store?

My fear is that it will be sold out by noon at every shop around me, and it will be out of stock on ffg's site by two pm.

Lol. Try sold out on FFG's site by 10AM

My local store got one of each starter box. One.

I get wanting to get the product out as soon as possible. But what's going to happen is interested players are going to see it's been released, see it's sold out everywhere, and move on to something else. I'd rather wait an extra month for a full release and be able to just walk into a place and get it rather than having to scour my local stores and the internet hoping someone managed to get enough to actually sell.

One Kylo and one Rey starter for the entire store? Why even have it in the store?

I'm pretty sure they had requested and were expecting more than that. Apparently quantities got cut after retailers sent in their orders; the Cool Stuff near me posted on the Facebook feed that their allocation was greatly reduced from what they were expecting.

Eh, I can lose interest in this just as easily as FF TCG.

All my local stores were told that the demand was to high. My local is getting 4 of each starter and 3 boxes of boosters by the end of next week. *sigh*

My local store got one of each starter box. One.

I get wanting to get the product out as soon as possible. But what's going to happen is interested players are going to see it's been released, see it's sold out everywhere, and move on to something else. I'd rather wait an extra month for a full release and be able to just walk into a place and get it rather than having to scour my local stores and the internet hoping someone managed to get enough to actually sell.

One Kylo and one Rey starter for the entire store? Why even have it in the store?

I'm pretty sure they had requested and were expecting more than that. Apparently quantities got cut after retailers sent in their orders; the Cool Stuff near me posted on the Facebook feed that their allocation was greatly reduced from what they were expecting.

Yeah, that seems pretty much par for the course based on what I've seen. Can't blame the stores. Nor can you really blame FFG in making sure the demand was there before producing more product.