Ambush Aggro - Thoughts on build?

By epicallen, in Star Wars: Destiny

Any thoughts on what you might change about the following list?

Battlefield (1)

Starship Graveyard

Character (2)

Rey x2
Han Solo x2
Upgrade (12)

2x DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
2x Force Throw
2x Holdout Blaster
1x Hunker Down
2x Jetpack
1x One with the Force
2x Rey's Staff
Support (4)

2x Awakening
2x Infamous
Event (14)

1x Disarm
2x Draw Attention
2x Heroism
2x Scavenge
2x Scramble
1x Shoot First
2x Smuggling
2x Unpredictable

Goal is to equip Rey and Han Solo with upgrades as fast as possible. Then using Ambush upgrades on Rey set up back to back actions to get damage in before the opponent can react.

Most of the events are 0 cost to free up your resources to play important upgrades.

Heroism and Draw Attention are included to split damage and keep both characters up as long as possible.

Playing Holdout Blaster or DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol on Rey will give you 2 additional actions!

Force Throw is an amazing card, helping you swing the balance in your favor against another aggro deck. Can also get rid of a key special, disrupt, or discard your opponent was hoping to use when facing control.

Look to set up combos to take out a character without your opponent having an opportunity to react.

Example of a solid start to a late game turn would be DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol or Holdout Blaster on Rey replacing one that she already has equipped. Follow with an Infamous augmented Scavenge grabbing the blaster you just removed. Play the blaster you retrieved back on Rey for free. You now have 4 more consecutive actions. You can activate both Rey and Han Solo and still have 2 actions for a melee + ranged attack or a reroll + attack. Throw in Unpredictable for even more re-roll before your attack. Turns like this can decimate an opponent when you have taken most of your turn before they take their first action allowing you to avoid all their dice manipulation and disruption, claim the battlefield to retrieve a blaster (if you were able to get Starship Graveyard), and go first next turn to hopefully combo off again.