Question about Crime Lord on Character with Second Chance.

By Azraellius, in Star Wars: Destiny

My question has confused my friend and I in our last game.

I used "Crime Lord" on a Hired Gun with full health.

He had the "Second Chance" upgrade on it.

How is this resolved?

1. Is the "crime lord" considered just removing the character from play?


2. Does the "crime lord" do full damage to the hired gun and then the "second chance" activates and leaves them at full health?

We would like some official rule clarification on this, because we think it can be read 2 ways.


Crime Lord specifically says the character is "defeated." It doesn't do any damage.

Second Chance says instead of being "defeated" they heal 5 and discard Second Chance.

So they'll heal 5 damage (if they have any) and stay in play. Must've been a sweet dance party at Jabba's.

Second chance is super Effective against crime lord oNce.