Qui-Gon Jinn question

By JJs Juggernaut, in Star Wars: Destiny

You've added language that does not exist in the rules and the rules clearly state that dice are resolved one at a time (unless combining with a modified value dice.)

What does resolving them one at a time mean? It means you fully resolve the effects of one die before moving to the next, rather than as one big simultaneous action. It means that multiple damage results can be distributed, and each counts as a unique instance of damage, etc.

It doesn't really say anything about whether you go back to the pool to pick a new die each time.

Again, I don't have to add language. The rules state:

A player can only resolve dice in their own pool. A player can resolve dice with different values during the same action, provided the dice share a symbol. (RRG, 14)

The Dice Pool is defined: This is where dice are rolled. Each player has their own dice pool. Dice are always placed on their matching cards when not in a dice pool. Dice in a player's dice pool can be manipulated (removed, turned, etc.) or used as a reference for card effects that require a specific side to be showing. (RRG, 10)

Well said Stone. I think when we are trying to understand a rule, it is best to stick just to the rules for that game, rather than trying to make the rules for one game make sense with another's.

Its not that I think the way the rule is now could never be subject to errata, I am reading and applying the rule as it is stated. Nothing in the rule mentions anything about a declaration before beginning dice resolution. The other systems mentioned do.

I can even add another to the mix, Imperial Assault. In IA you declare where an attack is directed before rolling a characters dice. It is expressly written as such in the rules. When activating a character in Destiny however, It would make no sense to declare a target in this way because of the range of actions included in a die.

I feel like the way the rule for dice resolution is stated allows for a great range of choices for combat flow in the game. It's fast becoming one of the things I really like about the design of the game.

Edited by Jerbiwan

If you chose your dice up front wouldn't there have to be a rule for an effect that may change the face of one of the dice selected?

I think this is just a casual written form of English that is being over complicated, if I pick a dice and resolve it would I not have resolved one or more dice?

If you had to set aside or pre-announce the dice you plan to use then rather than just preamble to the resolution of dice wouldn't there have been a easier and clearer way to describe this? If that is indeed the rule intent then that rule as written just plain fails, it's just not close to intent at all.

Well said Stone. I think when we are trying to understand a rule, it is best to stick just to the rules for that game, rather than trying to make the rules for one game make sense with another's.

I would add my voice to yours. +1 for being Well said to Stone.

I also think that when you are talking rules, you should try and use the language of the rules. Rounds and turns probably mean something slightly different to Destiny than expected say.

AS to BB-8, I would have to say that even though the special result came up a second time, you would not be able to resolve the same dice again with the same action. Black one has the same mechanic except that they are worded differently, BB-8 says to return it to the dice pool after resolution. which I took to say, after the resolution phase, (Magic judge in me). Black one I could see being argued differently because it just says reroll instead of removing from the dice pool.

AS to BB-8, I would have to say that even though the special result came up a second time, you would not be able to resolve the same dice again with the same action. Black one has the same mechanic except that they are worded differently, BB-8 says to return it to the dice pool after resolution. which I took to say, after the resolution phase, (Magic judge in me). Black one I could see being argued differently because it just says reroll instead of removing from the dice pool.


Again.. DON'T FEEL the rules or INFER the rules. Read them! Dice Pool is a place and has a meaning. There are rules written about the two places a die can be AND ONLY TWO places a die can be. BB-8 is especially handy because resolving his special does not remove it from the Dice Pool, so it remains In Play.

Pardon me if I seem a little short, but your post is ground that has already been covered. Go back and look at what has been posted in the pages prior, or review pages 10 and 14 in the RRG. You'll quickly find that YES you can roll BB-8 and Black One again if they come up with a special after re-roll.

AS to BB-8, I would have to say that even though the special result came up a second time, you would not be able to resolve the same dice again with the same action. Black one has the same mechanic except that they are worded differently, BB-8 says to return it to the dice pool after resolution. which I took to say, after the resolution phase, (Magic judge in me). Black one I could see being argued differently because it just says reroll instead of removing from the dice pool.


Again.. DON'T FEEL the rules or INFER the rules. Read them! Dice Pool is a place and has a meaning. There are rules written about the two places a die can be AND ONLY TWO places a die can be. BB-8 is especially handy because resolving his special does not remove it from the Dice Pool, so it remains In Play.

Pardon me if I seem a little short, but your post is ground that has already been covered. Go back and look at what has been posted in the pages prior, or review pages 10 and 14 in the RRG. You'll quickly find that YES you can roll BB-8 and Black One again if they come up with a special after re-roll.

I have read the rules, on pages 10 and 14 like you pointed out, and nowhere does it say you can activate the same dice multiple times in the same action, it only says one or more. I would have to go back to the idea that if it doesn't say you can then you can't. you are INFERRING that one die can be used multiple times with one action even though the card in question only says the die stays in the dice pool after resolution. But since the main crux of the argument is when do I choose which dice to resolve with an action.

First, the section in front of resolve Dice Activate a Character or support While it does not say choose a character it still says a, so you are picking which character to activate. choice before action.

Now lets look at the next section on page 14 where it says discard to reroll dice. "They must choose all the dice they want to reroll before rerolling." Ok so now we have another clear example of choice before action.

So now we have two clear examples of choice before action, I could go on with playing a card from hand (choice before action), use a card action (choice before action) and claim the battlefield (choice before action). In every other aspect of the game it comes down to choose what the action will be happening to, then do the action. (I choose to resolve these three shield dice, now they resolve one after the other.) So what leads you to INFER that with these two cards you can say okay I'm going to resolve this die, (die gets rolled and comes back up with the same result), now I'm going to resolve that same die (same result) now I'm going to resolve that same die (same result), etc. Even though every other action in the game shows that you have to choose first and then perform the associated action.?

Just let it go. We're 5 pages in now and Stone won't even acknowledge anything short of absolute correctness on his part. Better to just wait for the update, and clarify with your opponent how you'll play it until then.

Well, this is interesting.


* A player can resolve any dice with the same symbol, even if those dice were not showing that symbol when the player started resolving dice.

* A player cannot resolve the same die more than once per action.

Looks like they split the difference a bit, and both sides were at least a little wrong.

Well, this is interesting.


* A player can resolve any dice with the same symbol, even if those dice were not showing that symbol when the player started resolving dice.

* A player cannot resolve the same die more than once per action.

Looks like they split the difference a bit, and both sides were at least a little wrong.

So, you can resolve a dice which has been changed but not if it changed itself in the same action.

Eg If you used BB-8's special, and you roll a special again, you can't use that special again until your next action.

But if you use another characters special to re-roll BB-8s dice, and you roll special you can then use BB-8s special in the same action.

Have I got that right ?

Edited by khendar

Well, this is interesting.


* A player can resolve any dice with the same symbol, even if those dice were not showing that symbol when the player started resolving dice.

* A player cannot resolve the same die more than once per action.

Looks like they split the difference a bit, and both sides were at least a little wrong.

So, you can resolve a dice which has been changed but not if it changed itself in the same action.

Eg If you used BB-8's special, and you roll a special again, you can't use that special again until your next action.

But if you use another characters special to re-roll BB-8s dice, and you roll special you can then use BB-8s special in the same action.

Have I got that right ?

Not quite, you can roll BB8's special and Rey's, if they are both special then BB8's dice can't be resolved again. Rey's can be.

Well, this is interesting.


* A player can resolve any dice with the same symbol, even if those dice were not showing that symbol when the player started resolving dice.

* A player cannot resolve the same die more than once per action.

Looks like they split the difference a bit, and both sides were at least a little wrong.

So, you can resolve a dice which has been changed but not if it changed itself in the same action.

Eg If you used BB-8's special, and you roll a special again, you can't use that special again until your next action.

But if you use another characters special to re-roll BB-8s dice, and you roll special you can then use BB-8s special in the same action.

Have I got that right ?

Not quite, you can roll BB8's special and Rey's, if they are both special then BB8's dice can't be resolved again. Rey's can be.

Yeh that's what I meant. I needed to be more specific. You can't use BB8s re-rolled special in the same action as the re-roll, but you can use any other special that is rolled (provided it hasn't already been resolved).

Edited by khendar

I think the confusion, for me at least, stems from one of the Team Covenant videos. In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCajPZI7Tug at the 1:50 mark, you can see them discuss Black One. They talk about rolling the die again and again.

Obviously they got that wrong, but to be fair to them, the rules didn't say you couldn't do that in version 1.0

On that note, does anyone have a specific example for this?

"A player can resolve any dice with the same symbol, even if those dice were not showing that symbol when the player

started resolving dice."
Edit: NM, BB8 as mentioned above, could reroll Poe for his special,
Edited by Hurdoc

On that note, does anyone have a specific example for this?

"A player can resolve any dice with the same symbol, even if those dice were not showing that symbol when the player

started resolving dice."
Edit: NM, BB8 as mentioned above, could reroll Poe for his special,

You could also resolve a Focus to change another die to a Focus (probably a 2 Focus) and immediately resolve that.

On that note, does anyone have a specific example for this?

"A player can resolve any dice with the same symbol, even if those dice were not showing that symbol when the player

started resolving dice."
Edit: NM, BB8 as mentioned above, could reroll Poe for his special,

You could also resolve a Focus to change another die to a Focus (probably a 2 Focus) and immediately resolve that.

But why?

On that note, does anyone have a specific example for this?

"A player can resolve any dice with the same symbol, even if those dice were not showing that symbol when the player

started resolving dice."
Edit: NM, BB8 as mentioned above, could reroll Poe for his special,

You could also resolve a Focus to change another die to a Focus (probably a 2 Focus) and immediately resolve that.

But why?

to get 2 dice to 3 melee damage

But why?

Because it would give you 2 set faces instead of one. Especially if the die with the 2 Focus is sitting on something you don't want (like a blank) it would be a solid win.

Because I didn't closely look at the aside I read it as:

focus.jpg > focus.jpg > 2 melee.jpg

Rather than:

focus.jpg > 2 focus.jpg > 2 melee.jpg & 2 melee.jpg