Qui-Gon Jinn question

By JJs Juggernaut, in Star Wars: Destiny

So since the Rules Reference crashes on me for some reason I have a question for the venerable masters here!

Regarding the resolution of multiple shield dice. We know that unless otherwise stated each die must be fully allocated to one character, and that a modified side adds to a value meaning it must be assigned to that same character. That is clear to me, but my question is when resolving multiple un-modified dice in the same action is each die treated as a separate instance? In other words can Qui-Gon trigger his ability on each sheild die resolved in the same action or do I need to spend multiple actions resolving each die one at a time? I'm sure this might have other ramifications for cards in the future as well. Thanks!

Each die is resolved individually (unless it is a modifier value).

Edited by Stone37

so with 5 shield dice QG can dice out 5 damage he is good

so with 5 shield dice QG can dice out 5 damage he is good

If you roll five different die, and each of them shows a non-modifier shield result, then his ability could be used for each of those dice.

Qui-gons ability has nothing to do with the dice. Before you add any shields you remove a shield from Qui-Gon himself to do one damage to a character.

Qui-gons ability has nothing to do with the dice. Before you add any shields you remove a shield from Qui-Gon himself to do one damage to a character.

Correct, but the OP's question was what if multible die rolled shields results does the ability resolve for each die.

The ability has nothing to do with the dice. You have to use his ability by removing a shield from him before you add a shield by way of dice or card effect.

The ability has nothing to do with the dice. You have to use his ability by removing a shield from him before you add a shield by way of dice or card effect.

Okay, so I'm resolving five dice each showing 1 shield, one at a time.

I resolve one shield onto Qui Gon, giving him one total.

Then I resolve another, removing one before it lands to use Qui Gon's damage ability.

Rinse and repeat three more times.

Starting to get the question? It's very related to how dice are resolved.

For my money, it looks like he can resolve it once for each unique non modified die being resolved to him.

brick-wall-coyote-o.gif Edited by Stone37

Resolving dice are an action by themselves. Resolving card actions are another action. But reading Qui-gon's card, it would suggest that before he receives shields (whether from resolving dice or other means) he can turn one shield that he already has into one damage. Note that the card says one shield. Not any number of shields.

In addition, the card says "before receiving one or more ​shields" to me, meaning that before you begin resolving Qui-gon's dice he must have one or more shields already. Otherwise the ability would not proc.

In answer to OP's question, rules as written, the action states: "resolve your dice" not "resolve a die". This means all dice for a character's dice pool that you've rolled would be resolved at once.

Also, a character can never have more than 3 shields.

Edited by Jerbiwan

In answer to OP's question, rules as written, the action states: "resolve your dice" not "resolve a die". This means all dice for a character's dice pool that you've rolled would be resolved at once.

Stone37 has this one right.

You don't have to use all of the same dice at once. The rules use the word "may". To do what started the thread, it would take multiple actions. One action per die. If you have three dice showing shields, it would take three actions to use Qui-Gons ability

Even the FFG tutorial on Destiny says that when you decide to use dice with the same symbol, you resolve them all at the same time.

That's not what the rules say:

"A player may resolve one or more dice in their pool that have the same symbol, one at a time (unless adding a modifed die, then the dice are resolved simultaneously)."

Dice are resolved individually, unless modifiers are involved. It even makes the distinction that modified dice are simultaneous, which says pretty strongly that they're not simultaneous otherwise. So dice are resolved one at a time even as part of a single action, and each resolution adds shields independently, thus triggering multiple times.

I haven't watched the tutorial, but I wouldn't treat it as a definitive rules source. FFG is notorious for the PR side not adhering to the actual rules and game.

And the FAQ section in the rule book actually handles this exact question. Count Dooku:

"If two or more non-modified dice are spent during the same action, Dooku could gain a shield for each one, because each die is resolved separately."

So if you're resolving melee damage against Dooku and choose two dice, it's two separate hits, and he gets a shield for each hit because his ability triggers separately for the damage from each die. Qui-Gon will be exactly the same.

That's not what the rules say:

"A player may resolve one or more dice in their pool that have the same symbol, one at a time (unless adding a modifed die, then the dice are resolved simultaneously)."

Dice are resolved individually, unless modifiers are involved. It even makes the distinction that modified dice are simultaneous, which says pretty strongly that they're not simultaneous otherwise. So dice are resolved one at a time even as part of a single action, and each resolution adds shields independently, thus triggering multiple times.

I haven't watched the tutorial, but I wouldn't treat it as a definitive rules source. FFG is notorious for the PR side not adhering to the actual rules and game.

Just looked at the "resolve dice" section in the rules reference, and it seems to bear out your point. So, for options when resolving dice, do you have to resolve all your dice in a turn, or can you break it up as much as you like? I'm afraid I'm not clear on this. More specifically, can you say, resolve your shield dice, then pass play back to your opponent, then resolve your melee damage after? Or do you resolve all dice in a pool, but resolve each die separately?

I'm understanding now that each die is resolved separately (save for modifiers) but in terms of an "action" are all dice in a pool resolved, or one die then play passes?

Edited by Jerbiwan

Just answered my own question by continuing to carefully read the rules. Funny how that works! You can only resolve one symbol per action, but it does not have to be ALL of the dice showing that symbol. We have been talking about rolling 5 separate dice and getting 1 sheild on each. You may resolve all 5 in an action, or spread those 5 dice out over 5 actions, if you wish.

Just answered my own question by continuing to carefully read the rules. Funny how that works! You can only resolve one symbol per action, but it does not have to be ALL of the dice showing that symbol. We have been talking about rolling 5 separate dice and getting 1 sheild on each. You may resolve all 5 in an action, or spread those 5 dice out over 5 actions, if you wish.

Exactly. And each die you resolve is done independently, so 5 dice with 1 shield each could potentially trigger Qui-Gon 5 times.

Just so I am clear:

I have 3 dice showing, 2 shields, 1 shield and 1 shield. I also have QGJ with 2 shields on him.

First action: I chose to resolve Shields. I chose to resolve the 2 shields die. I trigger QGJ's ability to do 1 dmg and remove a shield. Then place 2 shields on him for a total of 3 shields.

Next action: I chose to resolve Shields. I chose to resolve both 1 shield die for a total of 2 shields. Again, I trigger QGJ's ability to do 1 dmg and remove a shield. Even though I spent 2 dice it is still only one resolve, so the ability triggers only once. Then place only 1 shield on QGJ for a total of 3 shields.

Thanks for the discussion! This has been great, as I am looking forward to playing QGJ as soon as this game is released.

Edited by mekros41

Just so I am clear:

I have 3 dice showing, 2 shields, 1 shield and 1 shield. I also have QGJ with 2 shields on him.

First action: I chose to resolve Shields. I chose to resolve the 2 shields die. I trigger QGJ's ability to do 1 dmg and remove a shield. Then place 2 shields on him for a total of 3 shields.

Next action: I chose to resolve Shields. I chose to resolve both 1 shield die for a total of 2 shields. Again, I trigger QGJ's ability to do 1 dmg and remove a shield. Even though I spent 2 dice it is still only one resolve, so the ability triggers only once. Then place only 1 shield on QGJ for a total of 3 shields.

Thanks for the discussion! This has been great, as I am looking forward to playing QGJ as soon as this game is released.

No unfortunately you are still partially wrong.

For your "Next action" you are resolving 2 dice and as they are resolved one at a time you can trigger QGJ twice. 1st dice remove a shield, deal a damage, add a shield; 2nd dice remove a shield, deal a damage, add a shield. QGJ end with 3 shields but has as part of this Action dealt 2 damage.


If this is how QGJ works then his card should be worth more than Luke and Vader.

Dice are resolved one at a time during the Resolve Dice Action. If you look at the card clarifications section for Count Dooku it indicates "If two or more non-modified dice are spent during the same action, Dooku could gain a shield for each one, because each die is resolved separately". Count Dooku and Qui Gon Jinn share a similar trigger (based on dice being resolved) and work multiple times in the same action if multiple non-modified dice are being spent.

So for example if my roll is: 1 Melee, 2 melee, 2 melee and I choose as my action to resolve melee dice against Count Dooku with no shields and no damage then my opponent could discard 3 cards (one at a time, in response to each dice I am resolving) to gain shields. My opponent would end up with no shields and 2 damage.

This works the same for me resolving Shield dice results when I have Qui Gon Jinn.


If this is how QGJ works then his card should be worth more than Luke and Vader.

It's a very good ability and going to be the cornerstone of many decks, but it is not as powerful as han, Poe, or Vader, and a 17-cost blue hero is awkward cause the easy answer for Poe and han to pair with is elite rey, buy qgj doing that means playing mono blue.

Also, rare vs legendary and such.

If this is how QGJ works then his card should be worth more than Luke and Vader.

This is exactly how QGJ works. Multiple posters have explained it at this point. You haven't refuted any of their arguments. I think you just have to accept that you were incorrect on this one.

If this is how QGJ works then his card should be worth more than Luke and Vader.

It's a very good ability and going to be the cornerstone of many decks, but it is not as powerful as han, Poe, or Vader, and a 17-cost blue hero is awkward cause the easy answer for Poe and han to pair with is elite rey, buy qgj doing that means playing mono blue.

Also, rare vs legendary and such.

I'm dieing to get the cards for an all blue deck! I'd like to try elite QGJ and elite Rey and also elite Luke and (single) Rey.