Repeat Heros in a Booster Box

By derekwildstar, in Star Wars: Destiny

So, what are the chances of getting two of the same legendary hero in the same booster box, or is this something that is even possible?

It is possible, and has already been documented as happening.

As to the chances, you get 6 legendaries per box, and there are 17 legendaries, so your chances of pulling two copies of the same legendary in a box are roughly 12%. This is assuming actually randomized distribution, and no one's opened and tracked enough of the product to prove that it follows specific print-runs or patterns as yet, so assuming random seems reasonable. We're seeing adequate amounts of clumping in people's facebook posts about their opens, so it's unlikely they've curated a print run that intentionally puts 4 of the same rare in a booster box (something Magic specifically goes out of their way to prevent, with their complex, curated print run and box filling, as opening a ton of the same rare is, in the majority of cases, a negative buyer experience unless you hit the jackpot with your clump rare).

Edited by IsawaChuckles

It is possible, and has already been documented as happening.

As to the chances, you get 6 legendaries per box, and there are 17 legendaries, so your chances of pulling two copies of the same legendary in a box are roughly 12%. This is assuming actually randomized distribution, and no one's opened and tracked enough of the product to prove that it follows specific print-runs or patterns as yet, so assuming random seems reasonable. We're seeing adequate amounts of clumping in people's facebook posts about their opens, so it's unlikely they've curated a print run that intentionally puts 4 of the same rare in a booster box (something Magic specifically goes out of their way to prevent, with their complex, curated print run and box filling, as opening a ton of the same rare is, in the majority of cases, a negative buyer experience unless you hit the jackpot with your clump rare).

Us it a garentied 6 or just statistically likely 6 legendaries?

Everyone thus far has reported 6.

han+solo.jpg Edited by Stone37

I will pull 7!

Thanks Chuckles for that statistical info. That is what I was looking for. Just wondering how many boxes I should think about buying to get two of the characters I'm looking for. Of course, I may do better to buy or trade for the cards outright, but I'm sure to buy at least one box and a few extra boosters just for the sheer fun or it. Also, everyone else, thanks for the additional stats, and the humor.

not being legendary but still characters. I bought three booster 2 Qui gon and 1 padawan there were 6 or 7 boosters in the box left.

edit: funny how statistics work when talking about them after a factual incident. The stochastics always seem wrong.

Edited by john_nld

not being legendary but still characters. I bought three booster 2 Qui gon and 1 padawan there were 6 or 7 boosters in the box left.

edit: funny how statistics work when talking about them after a factual incident. The stochastics always seem wrong.

Great pull actually! An all Blue deck (with the right support cards) would be a lot of fun.

not being legendary but still characters. I bought three booster 2 Qui gon and 1 padawan there were 6 or 7 boosters in the box left.

edit: funny how statistics work when talking about them after a factual incident. The stochastics always seem wrong.

Ya that's really nice pull, my 15 boosters yielded a single legendary, and only 2 characters. (I trimmed out the boosters for some other lucky sole). I am pretty happy with Kylo's light saber but i would have loved some more characters

6 legendaries per box is guaranteed. I have opened 7 boosters and got 3 characters but all heroes.

In this game, dupes can be extremely valuable. I wouldn't mind pulling a playset of Vader or Han from a booster box..

My brother and i bought 12 boosters from one box. I pulled "one with the force" and he got 2x Poe Damerons! Two, 2, Two. 3 legendaries out of 12 packs, and 2 Poes!

Elite Poe, great pull!

I was rather lucky, I got 3 legendaries in 7 packs.