Jetpack Rules question.

By Steve Greyjoy, in Star Wars: Destiny

I spotted the following question on a Destiny Facebook group and just wanted to know if anyone knew the proper ruling?

"Does the wording on Jetpack's special mean you can get a shield regardless of whether or not you removed a melee die?"

Here's the text "Remove a die showing melee damage and give attached character 1 shield."

My belief is that you can still gain a shield. My reasoning being it states "AND" meaning one doesn't rely on the other to resolve.

As a further question, if this is the case and you can gain a shield, does this mean you can elect not to remove a die, and still gain a shield, or do you have to resolve both if possible?


Any answers to it? Is it a one rule or two?

If one, you have to remove melee to get a shield if two, you can get shield without removing a die.

I play it as a one rule but I'm confused.

If it's not showing melee damage then how can it be a melee dice? I think it's very specific but I've been wrong before

You must resolve as much of an ability as possible, so if there is a Melee die anywhere in any pool, you must remove it. However, since the ability does not have a "then", if there is no Melee die to remove, you can still just gain 1 shield.

Abilities with "then" are the only ones that are required to complete in full in order to do the second portion.