Rare / Promotional Items Collectors' List

By Raedwald, in Star Wars: Destiny

While we wait for release, I put together a list of all the promotional items offered by FFG both current and future so collectors can keep track. If anything is missing, please just let me know!



  • Gencon Rey full art promo
  • GenCon Kylo Ren full art promo
  • Pre-release event Rey alternate card with Aurebesh text

Oversized Cards

  • Preview event oversized double-side Kylo/Rey plastic card
  • Preview event oversized thick acrylic Kylo Ren card with lightsaber cut out to show acrylic (very limited not sure on numbers?)


  • Preview event Star Wars : Destiny T-Shirt (1 of 200)
  • 2' x 3' Rey Promo Art on canvas (looks to be a unique piece from the preview event raffle)
  • Pre-release event Star Wars : Destiny cardboard self assemble deck/dice box
  • Pre-release event small poster featuring Rey



  • Kylo Ren full art promo with Aurebesh text
  • BB-8 full art promo (not sure if this features Aurebesh text?)
  • First Order Tie Figher full art promo (with Aurebesh text)

Just curious were you heard about forthcoming promos?

Just curious were you heard about forthcoming promos?

Friend of a friend of a friend

Just curious were you heard about forthcoming promos?

Friend of a friend of a friend

Gravy Train.