Let the Wookiee Win question #130

By Brifri11, in Star Wars: Destiny

the card reads "Force an opponent to choose to either deal one of their exhausted characters 2 damage or choose and remove 2 of their dice"

If my opponent doesn't have any dice in their dice pool, do they have to do 2 damage? or can they choose to remove 2 dice, but it won't do anything? thanks



If opponent has multiple exhausted characters and chooses " deal one of their exhausted characters 2 damage" option, who's going to choose which character suffers damage?

If opponent has multiple exhausted characters and chooses " deal one of their exhausted characters 2 damage" option, who's going to choose which character suffers damage?

The full wording of the card is: "Force an opponent to choose to either deal one of their exhausted characters 2 damage or choose and remove 2 of their dice" - the selector of the damage is ensconced in the first three words: "Force an opponent" - your opponent gets to make all the decisions with this card.

Can he chose the dice even if he has no dice. Is it situational

Can he chose the dice even if he has no dice. Is it situational

Already answered, Yes.

Can he chose the dice even if he has no dice. Is it situational

Already answered, Yes.

Same answers for if they have no exhausted characters, they can choose to do the damage to their exhausted characters.

It just seems wrong that you can invalidate a card that way. I told that to my daughter and she was very upset about it. I think less than in the description doesn't or shouldn't imply zero. I would hope FFG has more sense than that. I know after I said that to my daughter, I felt like I had ripped her off and she felt cheated.

Edited by ozmodon

Well, the obvious answer is don't play the card unless your opponent has dice available AND an exhausted character.

I love it when someone says, "obviously"!

Obviously you can't chose what doesn't exists. Well and be fair.

This isn't Magic! I can't believe common sense would be just tossed aside, but then they allow you to spend a focus token with no focus to spend it on in X-Wing. Still I'm holding out hope that I didn't waste my money if this is going to turn into magic with a different skin

If you don't like the ruling and don't think the card is that good, you could always remove it from the deck. The ruling is what the ruling is. You just don't play the card when an opponent has no dice to remove.

Edited by Spector1331

The ruling says that you can pick less than 2 not zero, implying 1. where does it say you can out right disregard this card?

Is zero less that 2?

Where are you basing the idea that you can pick to ignore the card because one of the two conditions don't exist? Is that a magic thing ? I don't see that my thinking is wrong? If you have 2 possible options but one is removed then how is it still an option? That's like saying you own a car with no Gass in it but you still intend on driving it to work? How is it that I'm the only one who thinks this is BS.

Edited by ozmodon

If you have money in one hand and nothing in the other and someone ask for you to hand over all the money in your hand what are your options?

I get both sides. It just seem if we use the zero effect on this card then we can by this same logic invalidate a lot of other cards the same way.

Where are you basing the idea that you can pick to ignore the card because one of the two conditions don't exist? Is that a magic thing ? I don't see that my thinking is wrong? If you have 2 possible options but one is removed then how is it still an option? That's like saying you own a car with no Gass in it but you still intend on driving it to work? How is it that I'm the only one who thinks this is BS.

I am getting the idea I can do this from the rules.

Here is a handy dandy link for you.

Let the Wookie Win is a "Choose" card:


If an ability uses “choose” and “either,” the player using the ability may choose either option, even if the chosen one will have no effect. Once the player has made their choice, they have to resolve as much of it as possible.

bullet.jpg Some cards force an opponent to make a choice. The opponent can also choose either option.

If you have money in one hand and nothing in the other and someone ask for you to hand over all the money in your hand what are your options?


If you had asked, you have $20 in your left hand and $0 in you right, if someone then asked me to hand over all the money in one of my hands, do you think they will ever get $20.

I get both sides. It just seem if we use the zero effect on this card then we can by this same logic invalidate a lot of other cards the same way.

Again, not exactly.

As long as the card has "choose" then yes the rule quoted above is used. Otherwise the rules on page 16 will apply and you have to try and complete portions of the cards effects as a "cost" and if you don't the card has no effect. I'll quote the relevant bit, and entrust you to have a read of the complete text at you leisure.

p16: "Players must resolve as much of an ability as they are able to, unless it includes the word “may” or explicitly gives the player a choice."

Thank you for you patients. I like the last post very much and think it will clear up a lot for my daughter

I was trying to plead her case and receive feedback that would make sense to her. Thanks again