Die sides do not match card on F-11D Rifle

By kevbrim, in Star Wars: Destiny

Does anybody else have a mismatched card and die for the F-11D rifle?

The cards says there should be 1 of each: 2 range for one resource, +1 range, +2 range, 1 resource, 1 special and 1 blank

My die is missing the 2 range for one resource and replaced it with a second +2 range.

Now that is a clear misprint. Not sure how to go about correcting that - FFG is sticking to it's guns and refusing to replace collectible product. You could use a mirror (seriously) and send a picture with both sides in view to FFG customer support, but I wouldn't expect much of a reply. I suspect that, since the product for Destiny is manufactured as collectible product they simply don't have replacements to offer. Good luck.

Mine is correct.

Does anybody else have a mismatched card and die for the F-11D rifle?

The cards says there should be 1 of each: 2 range for one resource, +1 range, +2 range, 1 resource, 1 special and 1 blank

My die is missing the 2 range for one resource and replaced it with a second +2 range.

Oh god this is gonna have me OCD-ing out and checking all of my dice to make sure they are correct.

Edited by Mattr0polis

Does anybody else have a mismatched card and die for the F-11D rifle?

The cards says there should be 1 of each: 2 range for one resource, +1 range, +2 range, 1 resource, 1 special and 1 blank

My die is missing the 2 range for one resource and replaced it with a second +2 range.

Oh god this is gonna have me OCD-ing out and checking all of my dice to make sure they are correct.


Yea. i've already checked all my other die. They are correct. Looking at the card find the first side on the die then its just rotate right 3 times, top then bottom. Thats the order

Does anybody else have a mismatched card and die for the F-11D rifle?

The cards says there should be 1 of each: 2 range for one resource, +1 range, +2 range, 1 resource, 1 special and 1 blank

My die is missing the 2 range for one resource and replaced it with a second +2 range.

Does anybody else have a mismatched card and die for the F-11D rifle?

The cards says there should be 1 of each: 2 range for one resource, +1 range, +2 range, 1 resource, 1 special and 1 blank

My die is missing the 2 range for one resource and replaced it with a second +2 range.

Does the number on the dice and card match up?

If I understand your question correctly, yes? The mis-labeled side should read 2 range as it does. Its a "+" instead of a "resource".

Does anybody else have a mismatched card and die for the F-11D rifle?

The cards says there should be 1 of each: 2 range for one resource, +1 range, +2 range, 1 resource, 1 special and 1 blank

My die is missing the 2 range for one resource and replaced it with a second +2 range.

Does the number on the dice and card match up?

If I understand your question correctly, yes? The mis-labeled side should read 2 range as it does. Its a "+" instead of a "resource".

He's referring to the set number. On the card it's in the bottom right and on the die it should be at the top of the blank side. The F-11D should be #8.

Does anybody else have a mismatched card and die for the F-11D rifle?

The cards says there should be 1 of each: 2 range for one resource, +1 range, +2 range, 1 resource, 1 special and 1 blank

My die is missing the 2 range for one resource and replaced it with a second +2 range.

Does the number on the dice and card match up?

If I understand your question correctly, yes? The mis-labeled side should read 2 range as it does. Its a "+" instead of a "resource".

He's referring to the set number. On the card it's in the bottom right and on the die it should be at the top of the blank side. The F-11D should be #8.

Oh, yes it is #8

Well that is a most interesting situation, it is still inconclusive as to whether + Damage is better the Resource cost damage (though from what little I have read the Resource Cost damage is slightly better) but its all subjective to the situation and other dice rolled and resources available etc.

Could be a super great die for use with a lot of ranged damage characters, but realistically it’s a defective game component and you could probably get a replacement from FFG if you really wanted to.

The real question is how much is it actually worth as a misprint, potentially in a few years if this game really takes off you might actually have something quite valuable there.

I know there are several MTG misprints that are worth considerable amounts of money to some collectors.

I too have a mismatched die for one of my legendaries, do FFG swap them out?

I too have a mismatched die for one of my legendaries, do FFG swap them out?

Must resist OCD to check all my dice......aargh

Just checked mine. All good.


I too have a mismatched die for one of my legendaries, do FFG swap them out?

Must resist OCD to check all my dice......aargh

I believe what he is saying is that the card in the pack and the dice do not match up, not that the dice has incorrect facings.

I too have a mismatched die for one of my legendaries, do FFG swap them out?

At present no. FFG will tell you to return the product to the retailer.

I too have a mismatched die for one of my legendaries, do FFG swap them out?

Must resist OCD to check all my dice......aargh

I believe what he is saying is that the card in the pack and the dice do not match up, not that the dice has incorrect facings.

It sounds that one side of the dice has the incorrect facing.

I too have a mismatched die for one of my legendaries, do FFG swap them out?

Must resist OCD to check all my dice......aargh

I believe what he is saying is that the card in the pack and the dice do not match up, not that the dice has incorrect facings.

It sounds that one side of the dice has the incorrect facing.

That's the OP's issue, not the poster that was quoted.

I submitted a customer support ticket to fantasy flight. Will see what happens.

To clarify, the card and die a both F-11D. The die has a misprinted side.

I had the exact same issue. I contacted Customer Service and they are sending a new die. I attached pics showing the right and left sides as compared to the resource side.

I had the exact same issue. I contacted Customer Service and they are sending a new die. I attached pics showing the right and left sides as compared to the resource side.

Could you post a link to that pic. It would be nice to see that as an example.

Double post...

Edited by SpookyElectric1

Triple post....

Been waiting on a Forum Mod to 'allow' my post for days. Didn't realise all three I'd submitted would get posted!

Edited by SpookyElectric1

Also check your Kylo's, Crabbok has one with a melee replacing a resource!

Ok just OCD checked my dice.

Uh, everything is under control. Situation normal. We're fine, we're all fine here now.

FYI for everyone,

I submitted a customer support ticket last Wednesday (day before Thanksgiving). Got an email today saying they have shipped out a new die. Great customer service! Considering the new launch and the holiday I would say that was very fast.