This was probably asked - When is the release date?

By DobkeHoswo, in Star Wars: Destiny

When is the release date? I want to get both starter packs for both myself and my wife.

December 1st

And December 15th, December 22nd, and sometime in Mid-January.

Seriously though December 1st is the release date but expect stock to be scarce until after Christmas, by FFG's own word.

And December 15th, December 22nd, and sometime in Mid-January.

Seriously though December 1st is the release date but expect stock to be scarce until after Christmas, by FFG's own word.

Believe me, I have every finger crossed that it won't turn out to be true.

Fear mongering

That's the fear among players, and if it turns out to be true, this game is DOA. In this competitive market a strong start is needed.

Oh, I sincerely doubt that. Which competitive market are we talking about here? Collectible dice games?

That's the fear among players, and if it turns out to be true, this game is DOA. In this competitive market a strong start is needed.

Oh, I sincerely doubt that. Which competitive market are we talking about here? Collectible dice games?

How many ccg have come and gone, with or without dice?

I don't see the correlation. Do you have figures on how many of those games died specifically because of initial product shortages?

I don't see the correlation. Do you have figures on how many of those games died specifically because of initial product shortages?

Regardless of numbers if you don'thave product for people to purchase when they are excited about a new game then you might not get that customer at all.

Sure, they might lose a few impulse buyers, but I rather doubt it's going to have such a dramatic impact on the people interested in the game that it will be 'DOA.'

And December 15th, December 22nd, and sometime in Mid-January.

Seriously though December 1st is the release date but expect stock to be scarce until after Christmas, by FFG's own word.

That's the fear among players, and if it turns out to be true, this game is DOA. In this competitive market a strong start is needed. FFG knows this and seems to be prepping for multiple large deliveries in the month of December.

Even a lack of product at launch won't kill this game. All previous Star Wars collectible games have had multi-expansion and multi-year success. Decipher's CCG, Decipher's Young Jedi, Wotc's miniatures game, Wotc's TCG, Hasbro's Attacktix - all had faired relatively well. This game could have a weak start and still pick up on the power of the Star Wars brand alone.

I don't think it will hurt the game in the long-run, but it's worth being aware of the scarcity which will follow release, so that at least people won't become overly frustrated. Approaching the issue with open eyes is better than burying ones head in the sand and pretending it isn't happening.