You have 2 stormtroopers A and B both activated and their dice are already in the dice pool.
A has 1 health left, B is unwounded.
Your opponent has a triggered character also with only 1 health left and with a combat die showing a damage symbol in the dice pool.
Its your turn and you discard to reroll your two stromtrooper dice. Afterwards 1 shows a damage symbol, 1 shows a blank.
Now its very important how you distribute theese dice to your stormtroopers:
Can you choose which die is distributed to whom? Or do you have to use exactly the die, that was affiliated to each stromtrooper before the reroll (which makes tracking while rerolling a couple of dice at the same time fiddly)?
If the damaged stormtrooper A had to take the 1 damage die and the unwounded stormtrooper B had to take the ressource die, your opponent could kill stromtrooper A resolving his damage die.
Then, the damage die belonging to the killed stormtrooper A would also be removed which prevents you from killing your opponents character in response.
If you could distribute the stormtrooper dice as you wish, you could give the undamaged stromtrooper B the die with the 1 damage result, which allows you to kill the opponents charcter after he resolves his die.
So, how this situation has to be resolved?