Competitive play

By KMitchell, in Star Wars: Destiny

I've been putting thought into how to handle end of game & tournament points before the OP document comes out (planning event in a few weeks):

Match points:

3pt win with elimination

2pt win without elimination (see below)

1pt loss without elimination

0pt loss with elimination

Overall ranking is: match points, opponent's match win %, margin of victory

End of time procedure (planning on 35 minute rounds):

Finish the round after time is called, then if neither player is eliminated follow tie breakers:

First tie breaker: margin of victory, defined as total character points destroyed minus total character points lost.

Second tie breaker: most cards remaining in hand+deck

Third tie breaker: control of battlefield*

*remember, this is a third tie breaker, if someone is able to take control of the battlefield and be in a game that is /that/ close, then I think they are likely at an advantage going forward. Using battlefield control as a first tiebreaker is kind of silly.

yes but ownership of the battlefield is not a qualitative tie breaker. more like how much health left or health defeated is. That was my point. ownership of the battlefield is nothing is the TL calls out last round the person having an action will claim the battlefield no matter what. damage done you will go for it to the max. end of round total up damage dealt. if even then it is a tie the battlefield scores the 1 point extra something like that.

My idea has NOTHING to do with ownership of the battlefield. My idea is when time is called and the round ends, both players roll all dice they have in play. They then add the values of those dice together. The highest value total wins. This is similar to how initiative is resolved at the beginning of the game.

And if YOU actually read the quote he was quoting YOU knew that he wasn´t quoting YOUR post at all, but Ajones47....

I'm guessing that OP will score similarly to Game of Thrones with Wins / Modified wins / etc. But there are many ways they could do it.