I've been putting thought into how to handle end of game & tournament points before the OP document comes out (planning event in a few weeks):
Match points:
3pt win with elimination
2pt win without elimination (see below)
1pt loss without elimination
0pt loss with elimination
Overall ranking is: match points, opponent's match win %, margin of victory
End of time procedure (planning on 35 minute rounds):
Finish the round after time is called, then if neither player is eliminated follow tie breakers:
First tie breaker: margin of victory, defined as total character points destroyed minus total character points lost.
Second tie breaker: most cards remaining in hand+deck
Third tie breaker: control of battlefield*
*remember, this is a third tie breaker, if someone is able to take control of the battlefield and be in a game that is /that/ close, then I think they are likely at an advantage going forward. Using battlefield control as a first tiebreaker is kind of silly.