Competitive play

By KMitchell, in Star Wars: Destiny

Right - Speculation time here.

I come from the X-Wing competitive camp, and have gotten into Destiny as a "brain break" of sorts - that said, a competitive person doesn't just stop being competitive when they start playing a new game!

Not having had any experience with CCG's, bar playing MtG back in the very first release, how do people think Destiny will work in the OP format?

Given the nature of CCG's, I'm wondering if it's feasible to ask people to show up with a hero & villain deck?


As it is stated in the RR 1.0 that villain can be played against villain I am speculating 1 deck will suffice

I would be against that, it would raise the barrier to entry quite substantially

One of the positives for me in this star wars card games is that you "don't" need 2 decks. I really can't imagine why someone would want that format?

The lcg is like that because the light and dark side have different win conditions, and can only be played light versus dark, but here you can play light versus light or dark versus dark so why make it more cumbersome.

In a casual setting though, if you want that mode, go for it

I would assume it will be similar to X-Wing, in that you only need one build and that pairings will not be based on faction.

I don't think there is anything to assume. A player only needs one deck. Same factions can play against each other. This is stated in the rules.

One deck should be fine For all the reasons stated above. What I am concerned with is the logistics of the format. How long should timed rounds be? To me, 40 minutes should suffice. Also how do you settle the score when time is expired? Total damage inflicted? These are all things that my FLGS did not know how to do during the prerelease, and they defaulted to MTG format rules for tie-breakers, which was terrible in my opinion for this game.

One deck should be fine For all the reasons stated above. What I am concerned with is the logistics of the format. How long should timed rounds be? To me, 40 minutes should suffice. Also how do you settle the score when time is expired? Total damage inflicted? These are all things that my FLGS did not know how to do during the prerelease, and they defaulted to MTG format rules for tie-breakers, which was terrible in my opinion for this game.

Just spit balling ideas, but would Character dice still in play be a feasible tie breaker? Or would you roll your active character die as you do for initiative. Even though the game is new I hope FFG updates the reference guide quickly and puts out defined tournament rules so we can start off on the right foot and not make bad habits.

Edited by CaptKirkRx

Multiplayer and competitive rules have not been released yet and I have a feeling there is good reason for that. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they created draft packs and decks (like they do with Android: Netrunner) for Destiny. Clearly the focus right now is to launch the product and build a player base.

Multiplayer and competitive rules have not been released yet and I have a feeling there is good reason for that. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they created draft packs and decks (like they do with Android: Netrunner) for Destiny. Clearly the focus right now is to launch the product and build a player base.

I thought multiplayer has been released?


Also ffg op has said they'll release competitive rules with the first season kit coming up in q1


You only need one deck

round times 30 or 40 minutes

2 or 3 points for a win

0 points for a loss

1 point to each side if neither player won within the time limit.

This is probably the easiest way to do it, only problem that I could see coming up is people trying to stall for time when it's nearing the time limit and they are unlikely to win OR people agreeing to draw when 1 more point would get them into the cut. The easiest answer to both of those is to award 0 points for a draw (so only winning scores you points), but that could create (in theory) the weird situation where you were undefeated all day, but still scored 0 points.

Curious to see what they will come up with.

Multiplayer and competitive rules have not been released yet and I have a feeling there is good reason for that. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they created draft packs and decks (like they do with Android: Netrunner) for Destiny. Clearly the focus right now is to launch the product and build a player base.

I thought multiplayer has been released?


Also ffg op has said they'll release competitive rules with the first season kit coming up in q1

You are right. FFG has stated competitive tournament rules will be released with Q1 kits. So, the wait won't be long!

Edited by Stone37

Expecting 3-game matches, 1 hour round time maybe 75 minutes since FFG are overly generous with round times. (for those of you that haven't played using proper, every-card-available, constructed decks yet - games are significantly quicker when you have proper cards available)

Standard swiss formats. Deck construction as per the standard rules.

Basically the same as almost every CCG on the market. That's how we're running our first tournament on Dec 3rd, anyway!

Edited by JustPlayIan

Based on other games, I expect one point for a win, zero for a loss. There will be no way to draw that allows both players to get points. If it comes to time there will be some method to determine the winner, probably either damage dealt or remaining health.

For tie breakers my thought is like x-wing. (at least this is how I think x-wing works)

You count the points of your surviving characters, half points if your character has taken more than half damage. If your still tied, then whoever has the most remaining health not counting shields. (or whoever started with less character point totals).

This is how I see it being set up:

Swiss pairings

30 minute rounds (already listed on the game page as the suggested time of play for a game)

best-of-1 game matches

3 points per win, 0 points for loss, 1 point for tie (if ties are allowed) This is the standard scoring system most games use for their organized play tournaments

Really looking forward to getting the OP kits in and seeing how it is all set up. :)

Personally I hope a draw-by-time-out is decided the same way a regular draw is decided: by control of the battlefield. I've always been a dab hand at snap.

After play testing a few decks over the last few weeks I think players will only need one deck. There's no need for a Heroes deck and Villains deck since the choice of faction doesn't effect the game play directly. I do have a feeling that it will be only one game with about a 45 minute time limit. If it's best of three, I think that they will allow a sideboard/side deck, similar to most popular CCGs (Magic, Yugi, Force of Will). I do hope Fantasy Flight creates some type of tournament software for this game with a registration system. That way stats will be recorded and we can have rankings based on state, region, and country.

For tie breakers my thought is like x-wing. (at least this is how I think x-wing works)

You count the points of your surviving characters, half points if your character has taken more than half damage. If your still tied, then whoever has the most remaining health not counting shields. (or whoever started with less character point totals).

I think if nether player has achieved victory at the end of playing time then all dice still in play are rolled. Highest total wins.

Personally I hope a draw-by-time-out is decided the same way a regular draw is decided: by control of the battlefield. I've always been a dab hand at snap.

After time is out you might want to finish the round. I see your dice max damage will not off my characters you need at least half of that max damage extra. I see my characters cannot even dice out the damage needed to get one of your characters on it's knees. your hand 2 cards. I'll claim the battle field and win passively. I do not think this is a good form.

Personally I hope a draw-by-time-out is decided the same way a regular draw is decided: by control of the battlefield. I've always been a dab hand at snap.

After time is out you might want to finish the round. I see your dice max damage will not off my characters you need at least half of that max damage extra. I see my characters cannot even dice out the damage needed to get one of your characters on it's knees. your hand 2 cards. I'll claim the battle field and win passively. I do not think this is a good form.

Such is a timed event. Both opponents had the same opportunity to win (and get new dice in play). If it comes to time, there must be a way to declare a winner. My idea helps insure slow playing will not happen. Merely doing more damage is not enough. It WILL come down to chance to break a tie. Are you willing to risk it? The fairness in my proposed chance ending is BOTH players had the same opportunity to defeat their opponent or increase their chance of winning the tie break by getting more dice into play (and removing their opponents when able).

yes but ownership of the battlefield is not a qualitative tie breaker. more like how much health left or health defeated is. That was my point. ownership of the battlefield is nothing is the TL calls out last round the person having an action will claim the battlefield no matter what. damage done you will go for it to the max. end of round total up damage dealt. if even then it is a tie the battlefield scores the 1 point extra something like that.


I hadn't realized how old this OP was, so the early speculation makes sense.

I'll stop being a bah humbug about it. I'm just saying, we'll have official rules in like three days.

Edited by Tvayumat

yes but ownership of the battlefield is not a qualitative tie breaker. more like how much health left or health defeated is. That was my point. ownership of the battlefield is nothing is the TL calls out last round the person having an action will claim the battlefield no matter what. damage done you will go for it to the max. end of round total up damage dealt. if even then it is a tie the battlefield scores the 1 point extra something like that.

My idea has NOTHING to do with ownership of the battlefield. My idea is when time is called and the round ends, both players roll all dice they have in play. They then add the values of those dice together. The highest value total wins. This is similar to how initiative is resolved at the beginning of the game.

Yeah, the whole 'playing snap with the battlefield to see who wins' thing wasn't 100% serious.