Hi all,
I’m looking for help or suggestions for a major space battle that I’ve got coming up in my next session, a bit of background…
My players are currently on a planet controlled by 4 major corporations that is located in a region of space that is in the process of being annexed by The Empire. The players have been involved with a local Resistance cell and have done and had agreed to steal a number of prototype fighter bombers from one of the corporations on world. The plan was that once they had access to the hanger where the ships are stored they were to call in the group of Resistance Pilots (who had arrived via a different ship and were waiting for their signal to move) who would take the ships and rendezvous with the Resistance’s Kandosii Dreadnaught (see Fractalsponge.net) that would jump into the system when required.
As they were due to start their heist, having made their preparations, The Empire arrive in force to take control of the planet bringing a small fleet (including 3 Star Destroyers, 2 Interdictors and a Corvette controlled by their Nemesis ISB Agent) into the system to complete the task. The Corporations controlling the world scramble their defence forces in attempt to stop the invasion. As the Imperial Drop Ships and Tie Fighters enter the atmosphere & begin their attack my players decide that the heist is now waaaaaay too risky and run for their ship to try & get off world.
Chaos ensues on the streets of the city as it’s residents attempt to flee to shelters and the Drop Ships reach the surface. After a few run ins in the streets with Stormtroopers supported by AT STs the players make it back to their ship, inform the Resistance Pilots that the mission is aborted & take off. Which is where we left it last session.
So, I want this to be a tough session, the planet is facing a sizeable invasion force and I want the players to feel this… and this is where any help or suggestions would be really appreciated. I’ve already come up with a few encounters that I want to include (see below) but I always struggle with the terrain side of space battles.
My encounters so far are:
Whilst still in the atmosphere…
The freighter carrying the Resistance Pilots sends a distress call stating that it is being attacked by a wing of Ties that it can’t shake, the players will need to reach the freighter, involving a chase through the tightly packed towers of the city to get the Ties of the freighters back and allow them to escape the atmosphere.
Once in space…
The Empire is stopping any shipping trying to leave the system, as they break atmosphere a large freighter is destroyed directly ahead of them by turbolaser fire from one of the Star Destroyers causing them to avoid spiralling debris from the explosion.
Their Nemesis ISB Agent (having already told the players that they need to leave the region or be destroyed the next time he comes across them) takes to his Tie Phantom and attack the players ship supported by a wing of Ties.
The ship containing the Resistance Pilots is badly damaged trying to escape, it’s hyperdrive is knocked offline & it calls in the Kandosii Dreadnaught to pick it up. Unfortunately the Interdictors then prevent the Kandosii from jumping out of the system. The players will then need to attack the Interdictor (supported by fighters from the Kandosii) and take out it’s gravity well generator in order to allow them to make their escape.
Anything that anyone can add to this, obstacles / terrain / extra encounters etc would really be appreciated.
Many thanks in advance