Newb Question of the Day: What does Exhaust mean?

By Johnnygamealot, in Star Wars: Destiny


I'm new to card games like SWD, I have played 1 game of MTG, so I'm unclear on common terms.

So, what does exhausting a card mean?

How do I use it?

How does it behave?

Mainly looking to get "Backup Muscle" explained.

Back Up Muscle

When you play this card place three single damage tokens on it.

Action - Exhaust this card to move one damage token from it to an opponent's character of your choice.

Thanks in advance!

To exhast the card turn the card on its side and resolve the action. It basically means the card can't be used again this round. During the upkeep phase you turn it back upright and can use it again the next round.

Edited by gerrylum

"Exhaust" is the legal way to tell a player to do the copyrighted "T" word with a card. Turn in 90 degrees to one side to designate it has been used this round.

(Suck it MTG lawyers! I didn't say tap!) :D

So... then.... The Noble Sacrifice card really sucks. Ok.

Thanks for the answers!!

Eh, I've found myself in situations a few times where I will almost certainly lose a character this turn. Trading that last hit point to deny your enemy five dice this turn isn't that bad.