The blue pip rules questsion

By krzykoopa, in Star Wars: Destiny

In the rulebook it shows symbols for what could be on each of the sides on a die. Sides with a gun = ranged damage ®, Side with cross sabers = melee Damage (M), side with square crate = resource ($). It states that the blue side are modifiers (+) and can only be resolved added on to when a black side is being resolved. So things brings up some questions,

Are the blue sides showing +R/M showing R/M damage or is it not considered that?

The cards specifically that come up are (to name a few)




Surgical strike

Can I play logistics on a +$ die?

Can I Disarm removing a +R/M to discard a weapon or equipment?

Can I play firepower on a +R/M ?

The cards above say showing R/M/$ but there are subtle differences

Logistics says resolve one of your dice- If I try and resolve it I cant because of its timing or does the card get around it?

Disarm says remove one of your dice showing R/M to discard a weapon or equipment that cost equal or less then the value of the die removed. The wording is subtly different

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to address ALL the questions this has brought up so far.

Page 8 of the RRG.

If it has the symbol it is that type of dice, modifier or not.

You can't resolve dice with a modifier by itself.

Removing a die is not resolving it.

If it has the symbol it is that type of dice, modifier or not.

You can't resolve dice with a modifier by itself.

Removing a die is not resolving it.

What about if you play logistics- Spot a red character to resolve one of your die showing resource, increasing its value by one. If I use that on a $ can I choose to resolve the rest of my $ die or no?

If it has the symbol it is that type of dice, modifier or not.

You can't resolve dice with a modifier by itself.

Removing a die is not resolving it.

What about if you play logistics- Spot a red character to resolve one of your die showing resource, increasing its value by one. If I use that on a $ can I choose to resolve the rest of my $ die or no?

No, since you cannot resolve a modifier by itself. As he said.

If it has the symbol it is that type of dice, modifier or not.

You can't resolve dice with a modifier by itself.

Removing a die is not resolving it.

What about if you play logistics- Spot a red character to resolve one of your die showing resource, increasing its value by one. If I use that on a $ can I choose to resolve the rest of my $ die or no?

It's telling you to resolve a die, which is singular. You can't resolve multiple with that action.

If it has the symbol it is that type of dice, modifier or not.

You can't resolve dice with a modifier by itself.

Removing a die is not resolving it.

What about if you play logistics- Spot a red character to resolve one of your die showing resource, increasing its value by one. If I use that on a $ can I choose to resolve the rest of my $ die or no?

This is actually referring to the resource side of the die not a damage die requiring a resource.

If it has the symbol it is that type of dice, modifier or not.

You can't resolve dice with a modifier by itself.

Removing a die is not resolving it.

What about if you play logistics- Spot a red character to resolve one of your die showing resource, increasing its value by one. If I use that on a $ can I choose to resolve the rest of my $ die or no?

It's telling you to resolve a die, which is singular. You can't resolve multiple with that action.

Thanks bud