
By tea, in Star Wars: Destiny

Probably pretty vague but I guess I mean to what level is the bluffing and decision tree at...

Some card type games like dominion and star realms seem to be almost to straightforward to your choice.

They're almost too much like solitaire for me.

As the deck meta settles will the focus be on choices or will it just be I do what my deck does.

I like the stare down and the what does he have/ what's he gonna do feeling.

Then that trickles into what should I do now/ next turn/ etc...

I feel like this game may have that in spades but not sure as I haven't played yet.

Can't resist!


You gottaaaaa knoooow when to roll'em...
Know when to hooold'em...

Know when to Launcher Bay...

Or discard Black One...

You never count your money...

For the fear of Occupaaation...

There'll be time enough for counting...

When the Claim is done!

Having played only a few games i am not really qualified.

However the game does have me making my decisions on what to do based on what my opponent has done or what i think he may have in his hand. So far it feels very strong in that respect.

It is tactical, but I don't know if I would say there is a lot of room for bluffing. You might be able to trick your opponent into thinking you have a specific card here and there, but bluffing will likely not be a huge part of the game. Decision making and risk/reward will be for sure though.

Not sure if that answers the question.

Bluffing is I think quite a part of the game, if you can make your opponent think that those 3 resources are dangerous, when perhaps they aren't he may delay or hold on to a card longer than he should.

Keep in mind that bluffing only holds value if you can hide your true purpose. If you are playing an aged challenged individual who doesn't understand you bluff it will be wasted. Your bluff will also be lost on someone that doesn't see what you could be doing and just plays on with their own game. Imagine playing Texas Hold'em with a guy that goes all in every hand, bluff all you like, he won't mind.

Yes, pass on your turn with dice on the field will make your opponent wary of what might be in your hand and just what you're waiting for.

Is it bluffing if I have three Millennium Falcon's in my deck but I convince my opponent I really only have two?

Is it bluffing if I have three Millennium Falcon's in my deck but I convince my opponent I really only have two?

Cheating? Can't tell if it's joke. Benefit of doubt

Is it bluffing if I have three Millennium Falcon's in my deck but I convince my opponent I really only have two?

That would be cheating not bluffing

Is it bluffing if I have three Millennium Falcon's in my deck but I convince my opponent I really only have two?

That would be cheating not bluffing

Are you sure it's not just bluffing really well ?

I think resources are the main bluffing tool, especially with cards like crime lord

For example you have a yellow character on the table and you have been saving your resources for 2+ turns, just by having those resources saved up your opponent will be worrying if you are going to pull a crime lord out and 2 turns later you kill his character

Even if you don't have a crime lord in your deck

Edited by bageldrone