Question about Deflect

By Stone37, in Star Wars: Destiny

Can Deflect target a dice with a modify symbol (one with a "+" or resource cost)?


If so, would the resource cost need to be payed? Or, if it's a "+" modifier, does it need to (or can it) be combined with a regular damage?

Edited by Stone37

Deflect doesn't say anything about "resolving" a dice.

Deflect doesn't say anything about "resolving" a dice.

Word changed to target. Same question...

It needs to show the symbol so modified sides trigger as well

Sorry I had hoped getting you to re-read the card specifically for the lack of the word resolve might have gotten you to the conclusion yourself.

You aren't resolving anything so the modifier or cost on the dice never comes into play. You are removing a die with ranged damage, not resolving it.

Edited by ScottieATF

Sorry I had hoped getting you to re-read the card specifically for the lack of the word resolve might have gotten you to the conclusion yourself.

You aren't resolving anything so the modifier or cost on the dice never comes into play. You are removing a die with ranged damage, not resolving it.

And that was my argument. I was having one heck of a time proving that last night using the rules PDF supplied by FFG.

Sorry I had hoped getting you to re-read the card specifically for the lack of the word resolve might have gotten you to the conclusion yourself.

You aren't resolving anything so the modifier or cost on the dice never comes into play. You are removing a die with ranged damage, not resolving it.

And that was my argument. I was having one heck of a time proving that last night using the rules PDF supplied by FFG.

Why what could their retort have been?

That the die could not be used without what it modifies. My argument lacked pointing out that the +2 die is not being used or resolved. Only the value on the die matters for Deflect.

After reading the rules guide. See p8 for all the text.

I have the opinion that the value spoke of is the number, the modifier is the "+" symbol. As that seems to work best with the cards and start of game rules the best.

As such a face with a modifier has both a modifier and a value, so if you play deflect on a +2 you will halve the value of 2.

After reading the rules guide. See p8 for all the text.

I have the opinion that the value spoke of is the number, the modifier is the "+" symbol. As that seems to work best with the cards and start of game rules the best.

As such a face with a modifier has both a modifier and a value, so if you play deflect on a +2 you will halve the value of 2.

To be fair this part of the rules feels like we have instances of "round holes" and "square holes", what I have done is just make my best efforts in trying to make sure that my interpretation has the round pegs put in the round hole and the square peg in the square hole.

The explanation of what a value and modifier is, isn't all that clearly explained. As such even armed with the rule you may have a tough time explaining it to the point where you get agreement as to how to do this.

To be fair this part of the rules feels like we have instances of "round holes" and "square holes", what I have done is just make my best efforts in trying to make sure that my interpretation has the round pegs put in the round hole and the square peg in the square hole.

The explanation of what a value and modifier is, isn't all that clearly explained. As such even armed with the rule you may have a tough time explaining it to the point where you get agreement as to how to do this.

what do you do at the very beginning of the game? You add the values right. It is clear to me allright but especially at the very first games people confuse that a die has to be resolved to have effect with what a card says. This game is easy but it has layers and this is one.