Awakenings Analysis Part 1: The Value of Dice

By JustPlayIan, in Star Wars: Destiny

Edit: consolidated threads to avoid forum spam.

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Edited by JustPlayIan

Broken link.

Fixed, was just the forum thankfully!

Edited by JustPlayIan

And there was much silence... is everyone being force choked?

I'm interested to field any feedback, or questions, coming out of this article!

Edited by JustPlayIan

I'd love to read it, but I'm work blocked. I'm betting lots of people are.

Thought it was overall a good read.

I did feel like it could have been a bit more concise and offer a little more support as to why you value the dice as you do, but that may stem from the fact that different decks are going to value dice differently and so it is hard to make a blanket statement.

That said, will read whatever you put out next!

Good read, looking forward to your future posts.

I agree damage is king. Resource costing damage is better than plus damage. All aggro, if you have modified damage then you want plenty of dice of the same type of damage to be able to get it off. I don't rate shields that high, I'm dissapointed when I resolve a shield die. I do rate the 'discard' high, I love pulling cards out of your hand even if you get to draw up next turn. I'm either all aggro, or I play more controlly style.

Edited by Ywingscum

Good read, looking forward to your future posts.

I agree damage is king. Resource costing damage is better than plus damage. All aggro, if you have modified damage then you want plenty of dice of the same type of damage to be able to get it off. I don't rate shields that high, I'm dissapointed when I resolve a shield die. I do rate the 'discard' high, I love pulling cards out of your hand even if you get to draw up next turn. I'm either all aggro, or I play more controlly style.


Thought it was overall a good read.

I did feel like it could have been a bit more concise and offer a little more support as to why you value the dice as you do, but that may stem from the fact that different decks are going to value dice differently and so it is hard to make a blanket statement.

That said, will read whatever you put out next!

That's it, yeh. I'm really hard on discard but there are certainly lots of turns where a big discard (or multiple small ones) hurts. Same for disrupt.

Edited by JustPlayIan

discard seems to be more of a support to your own dice control game, if you have a discard 2 then you can threaten to remove their last 2 cards in hand denying them the option of a reroll giving you the safety that you can force them to reroll or remove good dice with little response back, can keep those blanks as they are

Good read, nope a great read. This answered a lot of questions I had, thank you for sharing the article.

Good read, nope a great read. This answered a lot of questions I had, thank you for sharing the article.

You're welcome and thanks!

Next one will be forthcoming shortly...

Agree that damage on a die is usually the best for most decks.

Disagree with thoughts on discard. Remember, there are two ways to win a game. Zero cards in hand and deck is a real thing, so mill decks are possible and shine.

Disrupt, discard, and focii (Good vocab lesson) might change your oppents game if in your pool. They are not as direct as damage, but the oppent might have to do something about them, or handle them.

These three are all situational though, and damage can be used 100% of the time. I just feel they are not as far behind as you make them seem.

Really disagree about modified dice. There are enough ways to work with them. With Rey, have two awakenings for example.

Shields are stalls, so they, like you said, can only fill in the dice pool.

Spot on with resources. Costs a lot to build that engine, but not as much to maintain it.

Personally, I was hoping for a discussion that compares cards that being more dice to the table to cards that don't bring dice to the table, effectively comparing the value of a die as a concept rather than the value of the components of the die in a vacuum. Maybe a future article?

I really like discard. It works on mill strategies, it can remove combo pieces, it helps gain some info if they discard low-cost cards but still saving resources for big plays, and it removes reroll opportunities. Your article, imho, undervalued it. Good analysis, though! Neat to see how other people's preferred strategies affect their decision-making paradigms.

Every body has an opinion and so do I. Shields are stalling elements but with Qui gon they are threats while you pass yourself and get a shield to QG he pings one. actually resolving 5shields for him works. 3 shields constantly on that darn trooper makes it rather hard to pop. But wth only 3 dice that shield is cumbersome if not a curse. It depends on the stage of the game. My least used is discard. Unless my oponent has it's last card in hand then it is pure entertainment. :)

well without being conclusive at all I think that except for damage ecery other item is conditional on your cards, timing, state of your characters and of course taste.

Personally, I was hoping for a discussion that compares cards that being more dice to the table to cards that don't bring dice to the table, effectively comparing the value of a die as a concept rather than the value of the components of the die in a vacuum. Maybe a future article?

Deckbuilding is slated for later this week. It's a very big and meandering topic :)

I would flip your ratings for Bala-Tinker and the Raider. I personally find the Raider much more useful and in most builds a Raider fits as well as Bala-Tik. Two dice Vader? I'd take the Raider everyday over Bala. The Raiders ability is money, it has worked really well for me in many games, so much so some of my common opponents will focus down my Raider first.

I just fill him up with Redeployable weapons and roll him in first almost every turn. He also has good Melee sides so fits well with most Blue Characters.

I don't have Jango yet but I think a one die Jango with 2 Raiders could be a thing, talk about action economy...