Balance of your deck

By bampop, in Star Wars: Destiny

I know the quick answer is "most people have the starter(s) and some boosters;the meta will shake out," but is there a discussion yet as to how many upgrades, support, and events to bring? Obviously which ones depend on your team, but do you favor one character over the other(s)? I currently have a hero deck and a villain deck. They're built mostly on what I can legally put in based on what I own, so they have 8 and 7 dice cards respectively, and no rhyme or reason to the other cards except, "I can't wait to see how this card plays."

Edited by bampop

Nice. Thanks.

The game makers give 1 suggestion in the "deck building" part of the instructions. You should be adding 10 cards to your deck that will bring new dice into the game.

Hm. Surprised I missed that. I'm listening to Smuggler's Den now, and I'm worried it'll ruin the game for me. They're talking team builds and I don't like to build stuff that I hear the internet talking about. I want to build stuff out of cards I like, but now I'm going to be thinking about playing AGAINST these teams. It's why my son and I never survived Pokémon.

They're talking team builds and I don't like to build stuff that I hear the internet talking about. I want to build stuff out of cards I like, but now I'm going to be thinking about playing AGAINST these teams.

It's the sad downside of the hobby, isn't it? Eventually, playing the game turns into an arms race between you and your opponent. I remember enjoying X-wing a lot more before I became one with the meta.

At least you and your son can play each other casually and get a kick out of running inefficient, but fun, decks.

This has happened to me in most competitive games that I've played - I start out wanting to play thematic or light and fluffy, but then after losing or eventually gaining broken/power pieces I start playing competitively.

I think a large part of this is how the meta works for different games. In Heroclix, for example, at the local level there's only two prizes offered per event. This means you have to play hard to get something for showing up and the general atmosphere is really meta. You can tell almost before the games begin who will win based on what they're running. At least with FFG they've always offered different types of prizes for their games, like the Star Wars LCG, X-Wing, etc. There are usually participation prizes and rank prizes, so that even if you do go in light and fluffy, you can still walk away with something. I know they'll make plastic tokens for the cardboard tokens in the game as prizes, but at least if they keep offering alt art cards for participation, I'll be content with that.

Depends on the deck. Like the rule of 10 upgrades. Some decks only need 2 supports. Some need 4-6 supports.

Rules use for number of same cards is this:

Required in deck x2

Situational x1

Look at the cost of decks too. If you have 5-6 cost cards you need good resource gaining cards. Look at the faces of dice and see if there is a theme. If you have taken raiders gaffe sticks work great, not so much with troopers.

Build decks that interest you, and improve them as you play. Great thing about destiny is you can shape decks around characters you like.