Is there good balance or is one strategy dominant? (Agro, moderate, control)

By Manzanita9, in Star Wars: Destiny

Ok I'm for sure a fan (4 starters and 36 boosters), but I played Dicemasters for a long time and in the end like in other games the control strategy or the agro strategy would be more powerful. Does this game have the balance or is there one "correct" strategy if you want to win.

Phrased differently do all of these strategy components matter

High damage

Support instead of upgrade

Elite vs single die

Repeated shielding

Resource denial

Dice cancelation

Card denial


Or is it really just about one or two.

Ex. If opponent can spend resources befor you can take them then resource denial doesn't work well. But it would against decks that have to save up resources. But maybe those decks don't work anyway so resource denial is a moot point.

Ex. There are cards that are tempting you to build a "discard all their cards" win condition deck but maybe that's a dream if agro works too quick.

Ex. Cards that want you to run 4 storm troopers. Will they just be beaten by two elites every time?

I haven't played online so maybe someone who's throughly play tested can tell me. Is this game about quick strong fast damage with crazy ambush combos like I'm guessing or are there counter strategies?

This is where the Magic 8 Ball throws up the "Ask Again Later"

The game isn't even fully released to the masses so the meta has not taken shape yet. Like you've noticed though there are lots of strategies out of the gate. Which one(s) become prevalent will be determined.

Welp, I can tell you that from what I've played, aggro wins at least three out of four times.

Ambush Aggro vs. Big Swingin' Aggro hasn't yet clearly decided a winner, and I expect both to do just fine.

I wanted to do a resource denial, but it's not proving ideal. Resource denial/Crime Lord works better, but still too slow and too situational. When it does work, it feels great.

Mill has a higher average than resource denial by far, but it still is very vulnerable to being murdered.

Turtle (shielding) is OK, too. Mixes well with ambush or mill!

A little control + a lot of damage is pretty appealing, all told. A few upgrades or such with "remove die" effects go a long way.

Welp, I can tell you that from what I've played, aggro wins at least three out of four times.

Ambush Aggro vs. Big Swingin' Aggro hasn't yet clearly decided a winner, and I expect both to do just fine.

I wanted to do a resource denial, but it's not proving ideal. Resource denial/Crime Lord works better, but still too slow and too situational. When it does work, it feels great.

Mill has a higher average than resource denial by far, but it still is very vulnerable to being murdered.

Turtle (shielding) is OK, too. Mixes well with ambush or mill!

A little control + a lot of damage is pretty appealing, all told. A few upgrades or such with "remove die" effects go a long way.

Nice Kix, sounds like it will be a game of aggression but with a few key points of interfering with your opponents plan. Where have you been playtesting online (if at all)...I'd like to see what ideas people are having success with.

In person! Huge community locally for it. I live in Minnesota, home of FFG, so we are predisposed.