Are there any broken combos?

By Manzanita9, in Star Wars: Destiny

What are the really powerful combos in the game right now, either in card combos or character pairings?

Sith holocron plus any expensive blue card deck is up there.

Yeah sith holocron is at an insane power level... but there are counter cards against it... so it is probably not broken....

I´m more concerned with Rey + Ambush upgrades....

I don't know if it's broken, but it puts out a lot of damag; The Tusken Warrior with Thermal Detonator. If you roll a special on the detonator you can discard a card to immediately do three damage to each character of an opponent. Last three games I played I got it and did nine damage each time.

Someone told me Vader Raider was... "impressive" (urrrrrrurrrrrrurrrrrr!)

Someone told me Vader Raider was... "impressive" (urrrrrrurrrrrrurrrrrr!)

characters are impressive but they do not win you the game. If you would do vader raider and put 0 (zero) upgrades in there you will loose.

those 30 cards are important. that is why this game is so great. The dice the cards a balance!

I don't know if it's broken, but it puts out a lot of damag; The Tusken Warrior with Thermal Detonator. If you roll a special on the detonator you can discard a card to immediately do three damage to each character of an opponent. Last three games I played I got it and did nine damage each time.

Yeah the Tusken raider's ability is really good.

When it was first spoiled didn't see the actual card, but heard the text in a video and there a checklist spreadsheet that said the ability was to discard a card to 'reroll' a die. So I thought that's not a bad ability not great, but solid especially for a non-unique. Then I actually saw the card and it does say discard a card to 'resolve' a dice and that blew me away! The Tusken is easily the best non-unique character in my opinion. I sure hope I pull at least one, I'd like to have 2 even!

Han + Rey with ambush upgrades is really strong.

Finn + Poe with 2 AT-STs in the deck is also really good

Most of the "take two actions in a row" combos have a really high ceiling... and a pretty low floor. Feels real bad when you invest multiple cards/resources into getting that "unopposed" roll, and roll garbage. Should naturally be kept in check by that. Yeah, it'll be annoying when Rey attaches a holdout blaster and Han shoots you for 8+, but that isn't going to happen the majority of the time.

This last weekend I drew Poe and the Millenium Falcon, so I was running Finn/Poe and can attest it was a fun combo, but I wouldn't call it broken strong

One game I drew the Millenium Falcon in my initial hand, and held on to it all game waiting to either roll a Poe Special or get enough resources to play it and NEITHER occurred. Admittedly this was a streak of horrendous rolls combined with an opponent who placed Force Throw turn 1 and continuously rolled 2 disrupt with it to absolutely stymie any resource gain.

I ended up discarding it for desperation rerolls the turn before Finn bit the dust.

In the games where I was able to get her out, or use Poe special to resolve 4 damage, it was awesome. But that one game where I was just stuck showed me that it wasn't going to be something I could rely on game after game.

Speaking from experience?

Jango Fett with 2 dice + any other yellow character(s), 2 Fight Dirty cards, and a number of cheap upgrades for him and his friends.

If you're playing against that deck, you're pretty much screwed regardless of whether or not you get initiative. The moment you activate a character, a fully upgraded Jango activates. If he has a good roll, it'll resolve it immediately, but if it's a bad one, your opponent can just spend 1 resource on Dirty Fighting. Depending at which point of the game you're in, that will deal around 2 to 8 (maybe even 12!) points of damage. If you survive that onslaught, Backup Muscle (which is also a low cost card, considering what it does) will finish you off. It's a very powerful and very consistent setup, and I've only won against it once playing a Red-Blue Deck.

I don't know if it's broken, but it puts out a lot of damag; The Tusken Warrior with Thermal Detonator. If you roll a special on the detonator you can discard a card to immediately do three damage to each character of an opponent. Last three games I played I got it and did nine damage each time.