Is two of each starter worth it?

By jtstrick84, in Star Wars: Destiny

I went to a prelaunch event this weekend and picked up both starters and 12 boosters even though I had already preordered both of them along with a handful of boosters. I was thinking about giving the ones I preordered to my little brother to give his friends as Christmas/birthday gifts to get them into the game.

I found it very difficult to build a full 30 card hero deck at the launch party with the limited quantity I got. I could not even build a 30 point villain team as I didn't get any villain characters in boosters and most of the villain cards I did get were yellow so I could not include them in the Kylo starter deck. I'm now considering cannibalizing the starters I already ordered for cards that may be useful (Finn, Tie Fighter, FOST, Mind Probe, Infantry Grenades, Immobilize, Force Throw, etc.) and attempting to trade/give away extra cards.

Is there anybody who has gotten a lot of use out of using to starters to build a full deck? Or is money better spent on boosters/singles?

I bought both starters and five boosters and could really only build a Hero deck despite pulling Bala-Tik (a yellow villian character). I think I'll be passing on getting second starters in favor of more boosters.

Depends on how much you are willing to spend... If you want to buy less than 20 boosters it might be better to pick up a second starter.

Two of each starter will give you two of a number of good cards that you can't get anywhere else.

Lightsaber, Force Throw, Mind Probe, for instance.

Also a good way to bulk up on commons every deck will want.

I've been considering the same. What it really comes down to IMHO is answering the question: Is another starter worth 5 blind boosters?

Rey Starter:

Having a second Finn is a boon.

Another Force throw is not too shabby either.

The second Lightsaber and F-11D might see some use (but you already have a second copy of those if you purchased each starter).

BB-8, Jedi Robes, and Rey's Staff round out the "dice cards" and none of them stand out as needing a second, at least to me (especially since those may be pulled in the boosters...).

Kylo Starter:

Another Stormtrooper

Second Mindprobe could see use.

F-11D and Lightsaber - as above, you already have two.

FO TIE Fighter, Immobilize and Infantry Grenades - again, can be pulled from boosters.

While I am really tempted to pick up second starter, the Rey starter is more attractive to me at this point just for the additional Finn die but that's because I pulled BB-8, Jedi Robes, FO TIE Fighters and Infantry Grenades from boosters. When the game releases, if I pull a Stormtrooper I'll likely end up passing on another Kylo stater because there's not enough else in there to entice me to get it again.

Now, if your intent is to build TWO decks as you are providing the game for your opponent as well, then two of each starter is likely a great idea.

Edited by FSD

Short answer: Yes.

I'm a gamer, afflicted with the same Instant-gratification as most gamers are.

But all kidding aside, two of the same starter deck gets you to a very satisfactory legal "As Intended" sized deck.

FFG kinda did the Casual Gamer dirty by not including 2xFinn a Casual Gamer would benefit most by buying two Rey/Finn starters.

BUT! If you are the Game Scout for your buddies (ie you buy the games for them to see if they even want to play it with you) get one of each and prosper from their addiction.

Remember though, getting more starters makes it harder for other people to enter the game. Everyone at the event I attended limited themselves to 1 of each to ensure others could get one soon and we'd have a bigger player base.

Short answer: No

We've used a proxy for a second Finn die a few times over now. I wouldn't buy another starter just for that. There are a few other starter only cards, but we've taken a liking to other cards that can be found through boosters. In friendly play you can always proxy a second dice. If and when official tournament play rolls around and you just NEED that second dice, buy away.

I bought two copies of each...its not a super value though. You defiantly need one of each.

By getting two copies of each you allow yourself to play the elite version of Finn. (Side note if you want to combo Finn with Poe it means you need to run two Finn die, not the strongest team up but very fun).

You also get two mind probes and two force throw which means your blue Jedi character will not lack for abilities but you'd better have some holocrons if you're going to get any amount of that stuff out.

The rest of the rares are good to have multiples of but if you are planning on buying lots of boosters you'll just get that stuff anyway.

Short answer, you don't need two of each starter unless you are trying to be competitive with either Finn or a blue Jedi that needs expensive abilities.

I bought both starters and five boosters and could really only build a Hero deck despite pulling Bala-Tik (a yellow villian character). I think I'll be passing on getting second starters in favor of more boosters.

Exact same situation here. Bought 2 starts and 5 booster packs, only other character I got was Bala-Tik. I'll be using Hero deck tomorrow tho. :<

The two starters is nice for some of the starter-only items. However, I was a bit disappointed. During our prerelease I opened up 1 X Ray's Staff and one of the Kylo Ren dice cards. Two out of six boosters had cards that we didn't need any more of. I think with future releases I will buy one stater unless there is some crazy must-have card in there. I really wish the starters were only comprised of Starter-Only cards.

I really wish the starters were only comprised of Starter-Only cards.

Or at least included a full playset of the Starter Only cards, negating the necessity of buying a second all together. I got 10 packs, 5 of which were BB-8, Rey's Staff (x2), TIE/fo Fighter, and Immobilize. Pretty disappointing.

If you want a second Finn die and second copy of Force Throw, get a second Rey starter.

If you want a second copy of Mind Probe, get a second Kylo starter.

Otherwise, avoid getting more starters and just get more boosters.

Also, Bala-Tik, Kylo Ren, and First Order Stormtrooper is a legal villain team (with either Kylo or Bala getting 2 dice, but not both). The characters all have to be hero or all have to be villain, that is the only "matching" restriction during character selection. You just can't have any yellow cards in your deck if you don't have a yellow character (Bala-Tik), but you can play a yellow character even if you don't play any yellow events, upgrades, or supports.

I really wish the starters were only comprised of Starter-Only cards.

Or at least included a full playset of the Starter Only cards, negating the necessity of buying a second all together. I got 10 packs, 5 of which were BB-8, Rey's Staff (x2), TIE/fo Fighter, and Immobilize. Pretty disappointing.

Edited by profparm

There's the Finn debacle, as in there's only one Finn die in the Rey starter and you can't get any more in packs. But TBH, at this point I don't think Finn is all that hot to be included in elite form.

If you buy one of each starter, IMHO the only really good cards that you'll get one each and that are not obtainable in packs are Mind Probe and Force Throw. Mind Probe is very costly though, so I can't really see playing two copies unless you also run Sith Holocron.

So: if you want to build a balls-to-the-wall competitive blue deck and/or absolutely have to have a second Finn in your life, get a second copy of the Rey starter. If you want to build a balls-to-the-wall Villain blue deck, get a second copy of both starters. Otherwise, you'd probably be better off with packs.

Myself, I want to build a Kylo Ren + double Nightsister Holocron deck as my first competitive deck, so...


There are several cards that are starter only (Lightsaber), and as most people are making Blue primary with either Yellow or Red ( I have yet to see a Red/Yellow deck), having 4 lightsabers is a boon, especially if you want to make more than 1 deck and don't want to switch out cards all the time....

Yes. I'm doing it another Finn die, another mind probe, and 2 more lightsabers.

I bought 2 of each. You can run double dice Rey and Finn for heroes and Kylo and 2 First Order Troopers for villains. Definitely worth it, imo.

I decided no for myself. I'm new to the genre and am buying boosters not boxes of boosters. I'm a lot less hardcore at this point than a lot of people out there.

At least for the foreseeable, one of each will do me while I fill out with booster packs.

There's just too few things missing from my set with only one of each while there are so many other options I can get into play with the fun of cracking packs.

Long term id love a complete set but a second Finn die and the couple cards I'll be left with just one of; i can certainly live with even if it's not ideal for max power.

Edited by kopmcginty

For a single player looking to maintain one deck (squad?) at a time I would say no.

If you are looking to maintain multiple deckss at once (even as few as two), I would say yes. If for no other reason than there are number of high quality blue cards in each deck and the other two colors will be somewhat sparse as you try to assemble them from packs.

As a third bullet point, I think it will be much more beneficial to the casual player who is not buying a ton of packs to have the generally useful and somewhat focused contents of two of each starter. If you are planning on playing competitively, and buying many packs, the contents of the second starters are probably replacable by other cards more readily.

I'll be picking up 2 of each that way I have 2 of each of the cards. That will be a good base to build on.

2 of each starter gives you 2 decent decks right away. 1 of each starter needs 12 to 18 boosters to build 2 decent decks. Depending on luck.

I'm buying 1 of each starter and a box of boosters (round 1). If I enjoy the game like I know I will, ill likely buy round 2! Haha

I have now built 3 decks with 1 starter and 5 or 6 boosters per deck. Are they the most streamlined decks ever? No, but they contain at least 10 dice cards and are loads of fun!

For the more casual player who is interested in trying this game, do let the hyper competitive members of this forum scare you off. One starter and about 5 boosters per player is all you need to play a full rules game.

For us competitive players: I still don't think you need 2 of each starter if you plan to buy a bucket of boosters. I find I keep replacing the starter cards with booster cards the more I customize.

In my area most of the boosters were bought by a very small pool of players. Buying multiple starters was the easiest way to get a playable 30 card, 30 point deck. After release, I would probably only get 2 of the same starter if you want to run elite Finn.

I've been thinking and if the bug bites as hard as I think it's doing, I think I may well buy a second of each further down the line to leave largely as starter decks. Just as a play with the kids/introduce new player option without having to dismantle whole decks. I can just pull out the couple cards I need elsewhere and have it much easier to reset the starter for those occasions.