I love the SW LCG. It had a terrible launch, and a very very unpolished core. (to FFGs credit it pioneered and completely new way to deck build and that took some time to understand...and its currently in the best state its ever been).
Destiny (being a CCG) with everything upfront available...is in such a good state. I could type for hours but here are the bullets for you to know (IMHO) to get friends to buy in:
1) Money =/= You Win. It is a CCG, you will need luck for rares/legendaries. But a Rey or Kylo based deck with a few boosters will be NEARLY as effective (in the right deck) as a super BEST LEGENDARY CHARACTERS deck. The legendaries are good, but the are not even always the best card. Time will tell but how you build your deck means more than "having access to all cards to min.max". There are so many ways to build and the game is setup to be able to disrupt your opponents strategy.
2) This is not Magic level RNG blind buying. 16 legendary cards and 100+ cards in a cycle means nearly EVERY CARD HAS VALUE when paired with the right heroes. This is not magic with 450 cards in a set with 350 of those cards being pointless to the point of just throwing them in the garbage. When you buy a pack, you will get cards that are playable. There is RNG - and if you want everything it could get pricey, but you do not need to invest 300+ dollars to be competitive. You could easily buy 1 booster box for 107 (less than a LCG starter box set ..since you usually need 2 or 3 boxes) and 17 bucks more than a full cycle of LCG cards. Not you don't get everything but one box will EASILY allow you to trade for what you want and get you a solid world tournament worthy deck.
3) Trading is kind of awesome. I love the LCGs, SW LCG continues to be one of my favorite games. But there is room for a CCG and while it has limitations when compared to LCGs it also has advantages. Getting that one Jabba you need in your 36th pack (last pack of a box) is exhilarating and trading something a meta buddy needs for something you need builds bonds and friendships.
4) The game is so well done. It is not as deeply strategic as the LCGs (yet?) but it is high tactical and moves so quickly. Its just ACTION>ACTIONS>ACTION ect... back and forth reacting to the ever changing battlefield. It is a brilliant design.
5) The Starter Packs are NOT like Magic Duel Decks. They come with REAL cards that are useful. 2 of any one starter and a few packs and I predict you could literally make a World Championship worthy deck (currently). Would it be the best? No. But it wouldn't be like taking a duel deck to a Magic Tournement. You would ABSOLUTELY be competitive. Kylo with mind probe is more scary that darth vader IMHO.
If you were down on this game for being a CCG...or thinking FFG are sellouts because they didn't make it an LCG ...or just never liked random boosters ala magic (I hated it outside of occasional limited drafts)... give it a look. Find a friend who has it and try it. You will be hooked from the first roll.
Edited by Tierdal