2 questions over rtl

By Lord Loren Soth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello, we are currently playing RTL, we have 2 questions

1st can the minotaur run(charging) mpving through the trees?

#2 in RTL rulebook there is an error, temple(train) an hero can pay 50 gold and recover full wounds and fatigue but fatigues recovery is automatic at the end of any dungeon/encounter so the fatigue recovery should be moved to the visit/restock?


1) As long as his movement is in a straight line, his ability triggers. What terrain he goes through won't matter.

2) It's very unlikely to happen, but the fatigue regaining in the temple could matter. It takes a hero in the tavern wearing ghost armor and triggering a brawl. If he spends fatigue to prevent the damage he won't get it back at the end of the week. But no, the fatigue regain does not belong in the visit/restock section. It's almost certainly a holdover from an earlier ruleset where fatigue regain wasn't automatic.

He still needs to spend 2MPs to move through the trees (and we won't get into what constitutes a "straight" line though ;) ).


As for Steelhorns run attack, let's say he runs in a straight line, then the overlord uses a trap card to move him one square off, but he continues in the same direction, can he still use his charge attack, as he only moved in a straight line, despite the overlord moving him?