Mispack Warning: Poe and Padme.

By Versch, in Star Wars: Destiny

Just a heads up:

Experienced two mispacks. A Poe die packed Padme card...And a Padme Die packed a Poe card.

It was fortunate that both packs were purchased by me and not separate persons at differing times.

Heck it might be advantageous to have it happen without also buying the other mispack. FFG might just send you the die for the card and the card for the corresponding die. 2 for one booster!

Edited by brystrom

Contact FFG, they will resolve this problem. They have FANTASTIC customer service.

This also happened to me with Luke's lightsaber and Infiltration.

Seriously, contact FFG.

They've sent me entire Armada star destroyer models because the antenna broke off.

EDIT: Unless it works itself out, like it did for OP ;)

Edited by Tvayumat

This seems like its going to be an issue.

At the pre-release I was personally affected by this twice.

I opened a Poe Dameron, Ace Pilot -> contained General Grievous die

Also opened (ironic) General Grievous -> contained dice #26 "On the Hunt" from the spoiler, not sure didn't receive that card.

These two packs were from different booster boxes.

Another player opened Captain Phasma card -> contained Poe Dameron die.

I didn't think anything about this at the time, other than FFG customer service is awesome they will solve this problem for me.

Today I submitted a parts request to FFG with pictures explaining the situation only to receive the following reply:

Status for this item: Closed
Status details: Thank you for submitting your request: however due to the nature of this request we can not assist you. In accordance with industry standards please return your merchandise to the retailer from whom you purchased the product for a monetary refund or exchange for another copy, according to their policies. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to respond to this e-mail. Thank you!

Return the pack to the store for a refund? That's completely impractical how can the store possibly validate that?

I'm not sure that I can support this game if its going to have issues with mispacks especially when it seemingly is going to effect the epic distribution most.

This is the first time I've ever had FFG Customer Service let me down.

Very unfortunate, hopefully others don't experience this problem.

I've seen this issue reported not just for Padme/Poe, but for all kinds of cards. The wrong dice are placed in the wrong pack. Luckily (sort of) mispacking seems to be restricted to its own box, as in, if you get a die for the wrong card, one of the other 35 boosters in that box will have the missing card/die.

Hopefully it's all resolved quickly.

Edited by Ajones47

Just read that someone got a response from FFG, basically saying that this is a non-issue for them, and you can return the package to the store if you like.

Bottom line, it seems that what you get is what you get, regardless of if it is right or not.

Just read that someone got a response from FFG, basically saying that this is a non-issue for them, and you can return the package to the store if you like.

Bottom line, it seems that what you get is what you get, regardless of if it is right or not.

Woah! That's pretty out of character for FFG. Maybe they're afraid of people abusing their usual generosity to rort the collectible system.

Just read that someone got a response from FFG, basically saying that this is a non-issue for them, and you can return the package to the store if you like.

Bottom line, it seems that what you get is what you get, regardless of if it is right or not.

Woah! That's pretty out of character for FFG. Maybe they're afraid of people abusing their usual generosity to rort the collectible system.

Honestly thats my guess. Also, I did not email FFG, that was a member of a reddit. So take it with a grain of salt, but I am not doubt it.

I wouldn't be surprised if they wouldn't send you dice or cards missing. Nothing stops me from just saying "My Jabba came with a Han Solo die, could I get the Jabba die" just so I get an eJabba without looking for a second one in a booster

Requesting a card on the other hand would be a low cost solution. Dice can form elites etc. cards cannot. so the request should be for a card not a die. But taking it up with the person who made the sale is much more correct because you have not made a transaction with FFG, You made one with your FLGS.

Requesting a card on the other hand would be a low cost solution. Dice can form elites etc. cards cannot. so the request should be for a card not a die. But taking it up with the person who made the sale is much more correct because you have not made a transaction with FFG, You made one with your FLGS.

FFG mis-packed the booster, not the store you bought the booster from. Just sayin'...

I can say in addition to swapped dies/cards, missing is also possible. During the launch event, I opened a pack that had a Leia die but no Leia card - there was just no rare/legendary card in the pack. Just the three commons and an uncommon.

I'm still working to try to get it resolved with FFG, sent them a new request with a picture of the die last night. Unfortunately I didn't think to save the booster wrapper at the time and didn't get a receipt at the LGS. I think partially I didn't think of it since I knew FFG has been so good in the past, i've had good experiences with them on this stuff previously, and since it's a character card I needed replaced...there's not much reason to scam a character card from them that I can see (about the only scenario I can think of off-hand is if you swiped a die from someone else but not the card). We'll see - if their policies are going to be like people are saying in this thread for errors they make then i'm not sure if i'll keep my two box pre-order.

I hope that you have better luck than I did.

I included pictures in my request and it seemed to make no difference.

they need to send matching cards out. the cards are meaningless without the dice so people cheating the system would be foiled.

I advise everyone to video themselves opening their packs as evidence of any issues!

Seriously though, FFG have to sort this out, and have to take responsibility for any mistakes. It would theoretically be possible to buy pack after pack to get the correct match-up of components, and still not get what you have paid for. And I really can't see many retailers refunding/replacing them either.