Starting with support cards in play.

By TylerTT, in Star Wars: Destiny

Team building in this game is very limited, perhaps on purpose, perhaps not.

I would love to see support cards that could be included in a player's deck or optionally as part of their starting team.

Right now I feel like trying to test this idea by saying you can include droid or vehicle support cards on your team, the cards cost double their supply cost in character points.

BB-8 would be 2 character points

First order Tie Fighter would be 6 character points.

Standard deck building rules apply to these cards so you can't take a red support if you do not have a red character.

These cards may be strong options but they do not give a player any health points and do not need to be killed to win the game. so a balance must be struck with how many you choose to include on your team.

Messed around with this for a bit. I don't recommend it. The game is balanced around the idea that you don't need to have a nice even 30 points. I encourage you to fight against the instinct that a 2 or 3 point difference is a meaningful disadvantage, because it isn't. The cards in the deck are the cards that decide the game. Granting a slightly smaller team a card or two that starts in play will seriously upset the flow of the game in the first turn or two.

Additionally, if you can sit tight for about 4 months, the card pool will double. Your problem will become a lot less at that point.

I'm guessing this was tried at some point as part of playtesting.

Three points is a whole extra Finn or Rey die. So the game has small point options they are just locked behind getting duplicates.

Maybe my problem is how inflexible team biulding is for a collectible game. Card availability is low right now but still just pulling something playable out of the packs feels really hard.

Unless there are things like 4-6 point characters (maybe as diceless uncommons) in the next set I don't see how a larger cardpool solves the difficulty of drawing a playable team from boosters.

Maybe this problem gets solved by adding a few more starter decks in other colors.

Edited by TylerT