I'm two starters and 22 boosters into destiny (so about 100 dollars MSRP) I have been pretty lucky with 6 legendaries (Han, vader, phasma, launch bay, one with the force, thermo detonator)
100 bucks is quite a price. Without trading i feel bad about the playability of my collection. mostly because I got stiffed hard on character draws, only three legendary and two ackbar. I'm 20-40 commons and uncommons from a full set double that away from a play set (two of each).
hopefully when the game launches and the whales are cracking boxes instead of boosters i can trade for a few more characters to give me some options.
right now i feel like the game lacks hard in the team construction side. if supporting characters like BB-8 were instead 2-6 gray characters i would feel much better about the game.