Future Card Ideas

By Stone37, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I've been watching the Clone Wars and realized Star Wars Destiny provides a new opportunity. With all three time periods represented I'd love to see an Anikan Skywalker hero Destiny card and dice! His ability could be a twist on Guardian. When Anikan activates he may resolve an opponent's die against himself and deal damage back to that dice's character equal to half the dice value rounded down (minimum 1). Then remove that die.

What characters are you hoping to see in the near future?

Ashoka Tano




Ashoka Tano




Finding out Ashoka was not in the game was probably my biggest disappointment.

She will make an appearance, she may have a special mechanic that will be added too? Perhaps? Maybe?

Ohhhh, maybe she is a purple character? Part Red and Part Blue. With Orange and Greens......

She will make an appearance, she may have a special mechanic that will be added too? Perhaps? Maybe?

Ohhhh, maybe she is a purple character? Part Red and Part Blue. With Orange and Greens......

I am curious to see if they come out with a third party.

Jawa support cost 3 comes into play.with 1 resource on it

1 disrupt

1 discard

2 blanks

2 special

Special: either place 1 resource on jawa or play an upgrade using max 2 resources from jawa

resources on Jawa are immune to disrupt

Clone Wars characters would be cool. And there are Rebels characters on a few cards, so I'd expect those eventually, too. I think the LCG recently introduced some of them.

I'm personally looking forward to more bounty hunters/smugglers----Boba, Bossk, Dengar, IG88, Chewbacca, Lando, etc. I think there was a podcast with the designer where Chewie was hinted at for the next wave. Would also guess at least Boba will be in there, too. It'll be interesting to see what specials they design for some of them.

Like the prior poster, would also like to see some very low cost characters to help for situations when you're at 26-28 points. Pretty weak die with either no special or a weak one. I'd envision generic jawas, ewoks, medical droids, or stuff like that.

Ashoka Tano




Finding out Ashoka was not in the game was probably my biggest disappointment.

I'm expecting the next Starter set to be Clone Wars themed or Rebels themed. While I would have loved to have seen Rex and Ashoka, when I saw the box covers I knew we wouldn't be seeing them just yet.

Ashoka Tano




Finding out Ashoka was not in the game was probably my biggest disappointment.

I'm expecting the next Starter set to be Clone Wars themed or Rebels themed. While I would have loved to have seen Rex and Ashoka, when I saw the box covers I knew we wouldn't be seeing them just yet.

I have a feeling we will see some Rogue One in the next set...

Ashoka Tano




Finding out Ashoka was not in the game was probably my biggest disappointment.

I'm expecting the next Starter set to be Clone Wars themed or Rebels themed. While I would have loved to have seen Rex and Ashoka, when I saw the box covers I knew we wouldn't be seeing them just yet.

I have a feeling we will see some Rogue One in the next set...

I am betting that the next one will completely be about Rogue One. I am still hopeful there might be a cameo from Ashoka in the movie.. something.

"Hunter" Ewok

COST - 2


2 X


1 Focus



Special - You next event gains Ambush

You could essentially have several different types of Ewoks. Hunter, scout, etc. So you can make a deck work around having horde of them.

(EDIT) Would help if I made it a 6 sided die instead of a 7 lol.

Edited by CooMasterCoo

Darth Maul

Maybe 3 attack sides to his die all even numbers. As such....

4 Melee cost 1

2 Melee

+2 Melee

1 shield

1 discard

- blank

Abilty is to split the damage of a resolved melee die to two characters. Since he has a double sided lightsaber and all.

Edited by brystrom

A couple of ideas I had:

Medical Droid - Cost 2 (or maybe 3, not sure what makes the most sense)

3 blanks

3 specials

Special - Remove one damage from a non-droid, non-vehicle character.

(Of course, maybe this would be better as a cost 2 or 3 support with 'Exhaust this support to remove one damage from a non-droid, non-vehicle character' instead of making it a character, too)

I could also see having C-3PO as a low-cost character or support with a dice similar to BB-8's. Only that I would give him the Universal Translator ability, which would allow you to ignore 'spot' restrictions while this character/support was in play.

A couple of ideas I had:

Medical Droid - Cost 2 (or maybe 3, not sure what makes the most sense)

3 blanks

3 specials

Special - Remove one damage from a non-droid, non-vehicle character.

(Of course, maybe this would be better as a cost 2 or 3 support with 'Exhaust this support to remove one damage from a non-droid, non-vehicle character' instead of making it a character, too)

I could also see having C-3PO as a low-cost character or support with a dice similar to BB-8's. Only that I would give him the Universal Translator ability, which would allow you to ignore 'spot' restrictions while this character/support was in play.

I'm pretty sure given that bb8 is a support that hero droids will be support cards and not characters.

Old Ben Kenobi

2 focus

1 focus

2 disrupt (maybe just 1)

1 discard

1 melee

1 blank


Ability: When this character is defeated it becomes a support with one of its character die

(Possibly) Treat all symbols as focus, or cannot resolve die for damage

Owen Lars

Beru Lars

Baby Luke

and a Moisture Farm Battlefield