
By FootNote, in Star Wars: Destiny


So this is my second topic for the night, not trying to spam but considering this is my first day playing I still have the new game jitters.

Considering that this wave of cards is called Awakenings, when do you think we will learn about the next wave? I acknowledge the game is not even out so please believe I am not complaining, just speculating. Judging from all the legendary cards I saw at the launch party today, it does not seem very hard to collect good cards.

I imagine that until FFG knows if the game is going to be a success they don't want to invest too heavily on it. I also think that with only 174 cards, they will want to inject some new ones to keep interest up.

Early in the new year for an Late April or Early May release.

Early in the new year for an Late April or Early May release.

This makes sense, I imagine quarterly would probably be the tempo.

3 sets a year. Bit much though considering cost. maybe even deluxe expansions oh dear oh dear. FFG you are robbers!