Using dice to track resources/damage/shields

By jtstrick84, in Star Wars: Destiny

I've seen people do this for Netrunner before but I don't know if this is frowned upon for structured play. I'm thinking about getting yellow dice for resources, red for damage, and maybe black for shields. Or even possibly trying to make some custom dice with the actual relevant symbols on them. This would just make it far less fiddly and you'd only have to worry about transporting dice and cards and could forget the tokens.

It wouldn't be allowed in official play.

It wouldn't be allowed in official play.

Netrunner tournament regulations, pg 7.

"Tokens are representations of information about the game or game state. The presence of tokens is marked by one or more indicators. Indicators may also be used to represent multiple tokens, or other open or derived information.

Typically, players use the cardboard tokens included in official product as indicators. However, players may choose to use other items as indicators, so long as they do not obscure significant component information, are resistant to accidental modification, and their purpose of use is clear to both players."

Edited by WWHSD

You would need a judges approval. I'm of the opinion that with as many dice being rolled as there are, the odds of one of your tracking dice getting knocked and a dispute for,king in competitive play is high. Use tokens is my recommendation. In casual play use whatever.

As far as fiddly goes for transport. Most deck boxes now have an area for tokens. Atleast the ones I've been using do.

Edited by Spector1331

I think the key phrase there is "accidental modification". I used dice for shields in X-Wing for a little while, but if they got bumped and rolled that's a problem. With tokens at least their value won't change. I like tokens over dice for that reason. Although they are more fiddly.

It wouldn't be allowed in official play.

" are resistant to accidental modification, ."

Do you think this applies to dice ?

Dice are not very resistant to accidental modification. Tokens are.

Don't use dice as tokens, especially in a game where big fat dice will be bouncing on the table from time to time.

I've already had trouble with my opponents rolling their dice and bumping the dice in my dice pool. Using dice to track even more stuff just seems like a bad idea.

I've already had trouble with my opponents rolling their dice and bumping the dice in my dice pool. Using dice to track even more stuff just seems like a bad idea.

Yea, I guess I didn't really consider this. Maybe I'll try to make (or buy) some sort of dials like the ones in x-wing to track stuff.

I have a bunch of Casino Dice in various colors (rose/yellow/blue) and was thinking of using those. Any other dice may be subject to accidental movement.

I think d4 should be fairly resistant to accidental alteration unless you knock it completely off the table.

I think " resistant to accidental modification" eliminates any dice from being used in place of tokens. As was brought up above, there are large, heavy dice being thrown around in this game and they can easily knock into the dice that you're using to track damage or resources.

I got a template to make my own dials and downloaded images of the resource, damage, and shield icons. When I get around to making them I'll try to post some pics.