Questions about Anticipate

By Hutton1670, in Star Wars: Destiny

I'm having difficulty understanding the card Anticipate. I must be missing something, because for a 2 resource card it does appear to be of any benefit. Thanks!

Somewhat of an unlikely scenario but assume your opponent has rolled all of their characters dice from all of their characters. Even if there first character rolled poorly they are more likely to roll their next character so that when the want to reroll the die from their first character thy can reroll other dice from other characters to optimise their discard for reroll.

Assume that all of your opponents dice are either blanks or "+ damage" cards, if you play anticipate now they can't resolve any dice and have to remove all their dice from their pool, effectively ending their turn.

Its expensive and has a narrow timing window but could potentially be a blowout if played at the right time.

I however think that its too expensive, and a cautious opponent would play around it if it was known to be in your deck.


This happens to me often playing the Phasma/Trooper/Trooper deck.

I'll roll all three characters and wind up with a bunch of blanks, but I'll roll them all because I'm going to burn a card and re-roll.

That's the window. Could discard all my dice with Anticipate.