Who does the rerolling?????

By emmjay, in Star Wars: Destiny

There are a lot of standards in gaming. Or, at least gaming faux pas. When playing an RPG, you don't roll your friends dice as your own. Players of X-Wing know the saying "Fly Casual".

Now, there are several cards that say re-roll 1 or more dice, and that target may be yours or your opponents. The question is, do I, as the owner of the card being played, re-roll my opponents dice if that is the target of the card being played? What will be the standard practice in Destiny?

You roll your dice and I'll roll mine. Seems perfectly logical to me.


I used to think dice superstition was silly, until at an X-wing tournament an opponent said: "Oh, let's just use your dice, keep down the clutter." Every time he rolled them and an evade or a crit came up I was gripped with this irrational thought: "Dammit, that's *my* evade, that's *my* crit." Even though those exact same adversarial conditions don't really translate across to Destiny, I'm not sure I'd feel okay if my opponent suddenly scooped up my dice.

So yeah, even if it is silly, as jsalyers said, you roll yours, I'll roll mine. There's less potential for bumping when reaching across the table then, too.

Not to be the rules lawyer here, but I think it comes down to following instructions.

First, if there's a citation in the Rules Reference about re-rolls only being done by the owner of the dice, then it's a moot point for discussion, and this may be added in to the RRG or even a tournament document as the game gets closer to Worlds in May.

That being said, if the card contains a sentence like "Re-roll one die". Then we can agree that this applies to ANY die in play on the table, whether it's yours or your opponent's.

Secondly, you're supposed to carry out the instructions on the card, which would mean "you", the player who played the card, would re-roll one die (using my example). So if you wanted to mess up your opponent's tableau, then you would technically be in your rights to nominate one of their dice and re-roll it.

Of course you can still do this politely without disturbing the board, like having your opponent pick it up and hand it to you to re-roll so you're not reaching your grubby bear paws over there and messing up the game state potentially.

We'll see what the official word is, but prepare for battles either way from the superstitious among us.

I have been playing miniatures games for too long, but my rule of thumb is: "If it isn't mine I don't touch it."

Looking around there are people who play with card sleeves, on a mat and with everything stored and sorted. Trust me you touch anything that that guy owns without permission there will be some geek rage to end all geek rage.

"By Grabthars' Hammer, by the suns of Worvan, the scratch on my dice will be avenged!" :lol:

I used to think dice superstition was silly, until at an X-wing tournament an opponent said: "Oh, let's just use your dice, keep down the clutter."

That's actually kinda clever: Insisting on using your opponents' dice. They can't acuse you of using crooked/loaded dice, and if they are cheating and using loaded dice, then those will work for you to.

I have been playing miniatures games for too long, but my rule of thumb is: "If it isn't mine I don't touch it."

This comes to mind when I think about Warhammer/40K and Heroclix - you roll your own dice even when forced to by an opponent.

As a mini gamer for 16 years, I touch my stuff and do not touch my opponents. I have sunk a lot of money into my toys and if someone were to touch my die and scratch it or roll it off the table I would be pissed.

Now if I ask someone to move a model or tell them it's fine that's different.

But the courteous thing to do is not touch things that aren't yours unless given permission by said owner. If a die of mine needs to be rerollde, tell me and I'll be happy to.

In my mind there is no argument or rules lawyering to be said on this topic.

Edited by Spector1331

The big factor for me is we want this game to spread, so we don't want to make new players uncomfortable. Picking up someones dice and rolling them for them may leave them with a bad taste, and they may not play again, particularly in tournaments. Large tournaments are a sign of a healthy game, so lets no alienate people from playing in them.

In my mind there is no argument or rules lawyering to be said on this topic.

Same here.

I'll roll mine, you roll yours.


I don't get it. The player who is taking the action should do it, except if the effect is written in a way that states the opposite as "force an opponent to reroll".

No dice will be ever tainted because an opponent has touched them.

Can't resist!

In Xwing (and maybe more FFG games) its actually in the rules that a player may choose to nominate another players dice/templates for mutual and exclusive use during the game.

And I'm fine with that in all games...until Cheeto-finger-sucking hand-cough-sneezer expresses their interest to exercise this Rule. Then I'm like not no...but Hell No.

I'm fine with anyone touching my stuff, as long as they are respectful in their handling and mindful of their state of cleanliness.

No dice will be ever tainted because an opponent has touched them.

But do you really want to give your opponent a bad experience just because he believes something you don't? If you think he may be cheating it is one thing, but alienating people for no reason is not something we should be doing as a community.

I think it's important to distinguish between the "legal person" and the "pysical person". If an ability tells me to reroll my opponets dice, then in a game state view it is for sure me that is doing the rerolling. If it is me or my opponent or his personal assistant that pysicaly pics up the dice and rolls them is totaly irrelevant to the game state (and to me).

And I'm fine with that in all games...until Cheeto-finger-sucking hand-cough-sneezer expresses their interest to exercise this Rule. Then I'm like not no...but Hell No.

I bought a beer can holder as a dice roller:


This isn't the exact one but it has a Star Wars theme to it.

And I'm fine with that in all games...until Cheeto-finger-sucking hand-cough-sneezer expresses their interest to exercise this Rule. Then I'm like not no...but Hell No.

I bought a beer can holder as a dice roller:


This isn't the exact one but it has a Star Wars theme to it.

...I love you...

And I'm fine with that in all games...until Cheeto-finger-sucking hand-cough-sneezer expresses their interest to exercise this Rule. Then I'm like not no...but Hell No.

I bought a beer can holder as a dice roller:


This isn't the exact one but it has a Star Wars theme to it.

...I love you...


Get two, one for the beer while you play and the other for the dice. Just don't drink the dice and roll the beer, that won't end well. :D

My beer of the moment is a Western Australian Ale - Sly Fox.

No dice will be ever tainted because an opponent has touched them.

But do you really want to give your opponent a bad experience just because he believes something you don't? If you think he may be cheating it is one thing, but alienating people for no reason is not something we should be doing as a community.

I totally agree on not alieanating people. But as I said, i do not get it. I fail to understand the state of mind required so that grown up people bringing their components to play a game together would suddenly be upset because some one touched their dice. I would have no problem playing with someone telling me not to touch their dice but I would still wonder what would be the issue if I did. Would the dice be different after I have touched it?

...I know...

I also don´t really understand what the issue would be. If a card tells me to reroll my opponents die/dice, i am the one who does the rerolling.

In a casual game this shouldn´t cause any problem. If my opponents fingers are dirty I ask him to wash/wipe them clean first. If the gamestate gets accidentally changed, hey its a casual game. If it gets manipulated on purpose I probably won´t play him again.

In a tournament setting: I nominate the dice that get rerolled. You hand me the dice, I reroll them in such a manner the board state doesn´t get manipulated. You place the rerolled dice back into your dicepool afterwards. all this shouldn´t cause any manipulation of the game state. If a manipulation happens regardless, the judge is getting called and the player responsible for the manipulation gets a warning if accidental/looses the match if on purpose. Its really as simple as that. If both players are fair contestants there should not arise any problem when resolving that action.

And yes I sleeve my cards and play on a playmat. but i won´t have any issue if my opponent needs to reroll my dice touch my cards. The cards are sleeved and thus protected against dirt and you can easily whipe the dice clean if they should get sticky...

At the launch party my opponent scooped up all my dice and rerolled them, and this was me:


II wasn't sure where the rules landed on this issue, but I am absolutely the opposite as many of you. When it comes to rerolls my opponent NEVER gets to reroll my dice unless I specifically ask them to, and when playing Destiny unless I see an FAQ or some sort of clarification that says that whoever plays the card gets to reroll then I will continue to play that way.

Maybe it's my tabletop RPG background but you DO NOT roll someone else's dice. It's just not done.

Sunday, one of our gaming group forgot his dice and used another's backup dice (shudders). He rolled two 1's in a row and nearly killed another player with his fumble. He left the dice sitting on the table with the 1 still showing. During my next attack, I just glanced at that die.. and rolled two 1s as well and my character stabbed themselves in the thigh. Coincidence? I think not.

Edited by malcogent