Damage dice resolution clarification

By isthar, in Star Wars: Destiny

I believe this has been figured out but isn't clear in the pamphlet/rules:

Let's say I have (M = melee damage)




I can resolve all three in one go, adding up to a total of 4 damage yes?

But I believe I also read that:

a) I could certainly choose to just resolve 1M+2M for 3M (I believe this is in the rules(

b) and in terms of damage resolution... is it a 4 damage to one character? Any other combination? I was under the impression you can assign each dice at a time.


The value is a number that is listed above the symbol.

  • Blanks and specials have no value printed on the die, and are considered to have a value of 0.

Some dice have one or more blue sides with a plus sign (+) before the value. Sides with a plus can only be resolved at
the same time as another die that shows the same symbol without a plus. While resolving, the plus value is added to the other die to create a new value.

  • A modifier cannot be resolved by itself.

So the "1M" is a value and is resolved as an action Resolve Dice (p14), if you add the modifiers the "+1M" or "+2M" or both then they resolve all at the same time.

What about the damage assignment? I can't find rule wording that supports what I've seen explained elsewhere (videos was it?) that you can split up each dice's value to a separate character (and could that split separate the value and modifier? or just to take each value die (say you take a 2M, then a 1M+1M combo and you want to give the first two to character A then the 1+1 to another character)?

When resolving dice you choose a target to assign damage per die. Since a modifier adds to a specific dice you can not seperate the damage ie. 1d + +2d = 3d since they are technically combined dice you may choose 1 target.

If you had 1 + +2d and a 1d that is a total of 4. You resolve the dice individually so 1 target may take 3 and 1 may take the remaining 1 and vice versa.

Each die side has a symbol on it (see page 9). A player may resolve one or more dice in their pool that have the same symbol, one at a time (unless adding a modified die, then the dice are resolved simultaneously). To resolve a die, a player must pay any costs and carry out the effect represented by the symbol on that die. Then they return it to the card that it came from.

  • A player can only resolve dice in their own dice pool.
  • A player can resolve dice with different values during the same action, provided the dice share a symbol.
  • A player cannot choose to resolve dice symbols if they have no symbols of that type to resolve. A player must resolve at least one die when taking this action.

I'll break down the steps with the keywords in CAPS:

  1. Take a dice with a VALUE
  2. Add any MODIFIERS
  3. RESOLVE DICE total of the value plus modifiers, this may not be split up
  4. if you have another dice with a VALUE you can continue with the RESOLVE DICE step

If you have 1M, +1M and +2M then if you add all the modifiers, you can do up to 4M damage to one target as a single resolution, the damage may not be split.

If you use (for example) the 1M and a +2M then you resolve 3M damage as a single resolution, the damage may not be split. Also, as you have no more VALUE dice, your RESOLVE DICE stops.

When rolling at the start of the game to see who chooses the battlefield or any other time that you need to use the value of a die, does the value of a modifer count?

For example: The card Defensive Posistion.

"Play only if you control the battlefeild. Remove all of an opponent's dice showing a value of 2 or higher."

Would that let you remove a +2 Melee result?

When rolling at the start of the game to see who chooses the battlefield or any other time that you need to use the value of a die, does the value of a modifer count?

For example: The card Defensive Posistion.

"Play only if you control the battlefeild. Remove all of an opponent's dice showing a value of 2 or higher."

Would that let you remove a +2 Melee result?

For the initiative roll...Yes.

For the example...Yes.

RRG pg. 8: " VALUE: The value is a number that is listed above the symbol. Blanks and specials have no value printed on the die and are considered to have a value of 0. "

"MODIFIER: Some dice have one or more blue sides with a plus sign (+) before the value ." (emphasis mine).

The modifier is called out as a value.

Edited by agentc13

Many cards allow a player to resolve one or more dice. When a player resolves a die through a card, they use the normal die effect based on the symbol, and follow any extra instructions.

  • A player must still pay any resource cost on that die.
  • A player cannot resolve a modifier by itself.
  • A player cannot use modifiers when resolving a die through a card effect, unless the card allows them to resolve multiple dice of the same symbol.

WWHSD's questions had nothing to do with resolving dice.

Edited by agentc13

You are right, thanks, got me looking closely at a few other things.

Upon re-reading, I think we have a modifier which is just the "+" symbol and the value being the "N" as this makes more sense upon reading the cards and effects.

Removing dice moves them from a player’s dice pool back to their matching card.

  • A die cannot be removed unless it is in a player’s dice pool.
  • If dice of a specific symbol must be removed to trigger an effect, then it does not matter if those dice can currently be resolved. Symbols that are modifiers or require a resource match still count as that symbol.