Damage dice resolution clarification

By isthar, in Star Wars: Destiny

I believe this has been figured out but isn't clear in the pamphlet/rules:

Let's say I have (M = melee damage)




I can resolve all three in one go, adding up to a total of 4 damage yes?

But I believe I also read that:

a) I could certainly choose to just resolve 1M+2M for 3M (I believe this is in the rules(

b) and in terms of damage resolution... is it a 4 damage to one character? Any other combination? I was under the impression you can assign each dice at a time.

a) you can resolve any of the following combinations from the above example 1M, 1M +1M, 1M +2M, or 1M +1M +2M

b) because of the + symbol your dice all have to resolve to the same target. If you had a 1M and 1M then you could resolve them togetyher to different targets.