Big Resource Cards - Will they see play?

By IceQube MkII, in Star Wars: Destiny

The Falcon and AT-ST for instance... 5 and 6 resources. I don't know if your opponent will "let" you accrue that much loot!

Also, these Legendaries may only need one per deck. Thoughts?

That being said, I think they are cool cards!

Edited by IceQube

I managed to pull a falcon today and tossed it into a modified Rey starter. I got it out two games in a row and it was a super beast. When you are rolling 5 dice on an activation, it is not uncommon to pop 2 or 3 resources.

These can be playable since there are cards that produce resources for you, it is possible to pile up on resources.

I think it will definitely take some finagling to get the big Support cards out. You'd almost need to hide your true intention until you're within a turn or two of deploying that big baddie.

For the Falcon there's a very effective combination with Poe Dameron where you can trigger Poe's special, discard the Falcon, resolve the Resource 2 face of the Falcon die, and then play it immediately from your discard pile. Thanks to the two resources which you gained resolving the first part of Poe's ability, you only need to have three resources in hand before spending Poe's special to bring the Falcon into play. No one will be all that suspicious of three resources.

Alas, I haven't come up with anything nearly so effective for the AT-ST.

It's tricky to get as high as five resources, but with some good rolls and timing it's definitely possible. If you can end a turn with three resources and claim the field, for instance, you can pop off a five cost right away.

I got Endless Ranks off a few times today for five resources.

I was able to play and use the Special on Crime Lord without too much trouble, but disruption with My Kind of Scum helped a ton.

Ran an effective with Rey, Hired Gun, Leia, and 2x Launch Bay. Used lots of upgrades and supports that provided resources / focus and was able to get Launch Bay out turn 3. Wrecked face from there....

There are plenty of ways to gain resources. I recommend 1 or 2 big cards in a deck for late game finishers.

My first game with Crime Lord I pulled it and played it. That's 9 resources.