How worthy are elite characters?

By AgentV, in Star Wars: Destiny

Based on everyone's (limited) play experience so far, do you find it better to put the extra points into having an elite character, or is it better to play the regular version and keep the extra points available?

I found that because of the limited amount of characters in the game right now not trying to make at least one of your characters elite left too many wasted points. I played against a 2 die Rey and 2 die Poe today and boy did it do work against me.

I found that because of the limited amount of characters in the game right now not trying to make at least one of your characters elite left too many wasted points. I played against a 2 die Rey and 2 die Poe today and boy did it do work against me.

Does this remain true with more characters involved? Such as two non-elites and a 7-8 point sucker vs two elites?

I found that because of the limited amount of characters in the game right now not trying to make at least one of your characters elite left too many wasted points. I played against a 2 die Rey and 2 die Poe today and boy did it do work against me.

Thats the balance I am trying to figure out right now tho. Is a 2 die Luke/Vader with a 1 die character worth more than say 3 characters with 1 die each. Is the early on 2 dice off 1 activation worth the 7-possibly 10 health all game. I mean Luke/Vader seem to say so bc its a 2/2/3 dmg die...but another 7-10 health can be huge.

I.e. is Elite Vader + FO Trooper (obviously 2 pts wasted) > Vader + FO Trooper x2. Now this might be a little unfair bc #1 FO Troopers arent that great compared to some of the other non unique. I mean I could honestly put a Tusken Raider in over a FO Trooper in elite Vader and get a better dice, tho you trade yellow for red now or I could do a Night sister and keep it all blue. Thats where it gets a little tricky. I get WHY a FO Trooper has 2 blanks, but it just seems unfair to everyone else for 7-8 pts. And thats the bad part about non-elite Vader to elite Vader. But Im wandering now, in the end, is the health > the "elite" dice roll?

Personally I think elite Jinn + elite Rey might be a really good combo.


I get WHY a FO Trooper has 2 blanks, but it just seems unfair to everyone else for 7-8 pts.

Completely agree about the Stormtrooper. For 1 more point Rebel Trooper and Padawan get a decent ability and only 1 blank on their die instead of 2.

With regards to elite characters, I just feel the extra die is so important turn after turn for comboing results and getting ahead early doors. Also, a shorter round allows you to claim the battlefield round after round as well. Vader is the 1 that is fairly ok as a non-elite since his single die is so strong and independent.

I think the hitpoints argument works if you have tons of upgrades (lightsabers/blasters) to quickly up the power of the dice of your single die characters.

Edited by Darth Seridur

I got stomped by an Elite Rey and Elite Finn team. I was running three non-Elite characters with one die for each and those two Elites running four dice ramped up fast. I would say Elite ability to run an extra die at potentially less cost than running another character can be crucial.

The cheapest villain (1 die) is 7 points, the cheapest elite villains (2 dice) are 11 and 13 points, the most expensive elite villain (2 dice) is 21 points. This means for a standard 30 point villain deck you can have 2 characters for a total of 3 dice (1 elite), 2 characters for a total of 4 dice (2 elite), 3 characters for a total of 4 dice (1 elite), or 4 characters for a total of 4 dice (0 elite).

The cheapest hero (1 die) is 8 points, the cheapest elite heroes (2 dice) are 12 and 14 points, the most expensive elite hero (2 dice) is 20 points. This means for a standard 30 point hero deck you can have 2 characters for a total of 3 dice (1 elite), 2 characters for a total of 4 dice (2 elite), or 3 characters for a total of 4 dice (1 elite).

Given this, I expect elite characters to be very important as 6 of the 7 possible deck combinations use at least 1 elite and 2 of the 7 possible deck combinations use 2 elites.

The FO Stormtroopers have 2 blanks because it synergizes like whoa with current villain cards. Power of the Dark Side loves to re-roll Troopers or their blasters, and Nowhere to Run (I think is the name?) let's you do some real work when you roll blanks. Best round I had today was when I rolled all blanks on like 5 dice. For 2 Resources I got to change them all to sides of my choosing.

Also Stromtroopers can be brought back to life via an event.

Part of the cost of Troopers is that they can be thrown in to open up access to red cards.

FO TIE, AT-ST and Outposts all add extremely powerful/useful dice that the other colours don't match without. Ring attachments.


And StormTroopers have 2 times 2 damages (the second for 1 resource), while the Rebel Trooper has 1;2 & +1 damages.

To answer the OP's question... It depends on the character and the other characters you are bringing in. Rey needs her second dice if she is your only melee character, as her best die side is a +2 and needs another die to pair with. Characters like Admiral Akbar (It's a trap!) work great with others and only 1 die.

I would say it also depends on deck synergy. Taking 3x Stormtroopers and 1x Nightsister might not be bad. There are cards that let you activate all your non-unique characters at the same time. There are cards that let you bring Stormtroopers back to life. There are blue support cards that let you re-roll a die and deal 2 unblockable damage if you get a blank, which is great for re-rolling the Stormtrooper character dice. You either get something useful or 2 unblockable damage. There are plenty of redeployable upgrades that make losing a Stormtrooper far less of an issue.

As has been said, it's more the deck than the character team that wins games.

Basically from what little experience I've had, elite your characters if you want to be more effective early game, or bring more characters if you want to stay til the late game. I've only had the chance to buy 6 boosters, which got me elite General Veers. And he can do work. He wiped my enemy's Jango Fett off the board quickly enough that he wasn't too annoying. I still lost because my opponent was running three characters, so I just had a third more HP to chew through, and my General Veers with his ability to do a ton of damage while elited got focused until I was left with just elite Kylo Ren, who's about as effective as a kitten without upgrades.