Does anyone have a link or the information of what objective sets are in each expansion. They quit listing the info on the website for the newer sets and they never have for the deluxe sets. I'm trying to make up a collector's list so I can try working on my collection again. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Objective set numbers?
Cardgamedb has them all.
There is a google doc with all of that information. I will try to find it. Otherwise, the FFG website also has that information.
Cardgamedb always seems to be down I've been trying that lol. Would you by chance know where on the website that is listed? They used to have it as part of the product information for the smaller cycle sets but don't on the newer ones and there isn't on any of the deluxe sets either. Unless i am just a baka and am missing it.
So it looks like it is only the force packs that have objective sets mentioned. As the CGDB being down, that is a relatively new development. I am still hunting for the link to the google doc with all of that info.
Yep and new alliance of the endor cycle on don't list it for the force packs either. Thank you for trying to assist. I appreciate it greatly.
Cardgamedb is up and working. It's been moved to a whole new server to prevent the same issues reoccurring.
Did you get what you needed.