Devizz's Card Design Den

By Devizz, in Star Wars: Destiny

Going to add more cards here over time. Any feedback is appreciated.

PS: I only dabble in graphic design and I'd appreciate it if someone provided me with card templates that I could edit relatively easily.

Edited by Devizz

For what its worth, Thrawn's ability would be difficult to pull off. You've got a 1/36 chance of getting it to work with a single die, and if he is running two then that skyrockets to 1/1296. I think that math is correct, unless I'm thinking about this all wrong. Ahsoka's ability is ridiculously powerful, but she is high costed and seems to have an okay HP value with that.

I love the idea of extra cards and characters though, even if they are not legal for anything other than house games. Perhaps you could whip up some dice artwork to go with it for 22mm sized dice which are what Destiny is supposed to be, as well as 16mm? Then I could buy blank die and find a way to get them on there decently enough.

Both cards are the very first iterations, still need some tweaking. I am aware that Ahsoka is kinda OP, how about making her text usable only after readying the character, so once per turn.

As for the dice art, I am not really a graphic designer, really struggled when making these cards. ^ I am still looking for an actual skilled image editor who would be willing to collaborate.

Some of the other designs I am working on:

Darth Sidious (Blue Villain)
Dark Lord of the Sith
11 health
3 Ranged
4 Ranged (1 cost)
+3 Ranged
1 Melee
2 Discard
After an opponent's character is defeated, you may remove one of your die to put the said character on your side with half its health (without any upgrades).
"The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."
Ahsoka Tano (Blue Hero)
Force Wielder
10 health
1 Melee
+2 Melee
3 Melee (1 cost)
1 Reroll
2 Resource
After you deal melee damage with this character's die, reroll the said die instead of
removing it from your pool.
"I am no jedi."
Anakin Skywalker (Blue Hero)
The Chosen One
12 health
2 Melee
+2 Melee
4 Melee (1 cost)
1 Reroll
2 Resource
You can attach any blue villain ability or upgrade to this character.
You can include blue villain abilities and upgrades in your deck.
"He was the greatest warrior the Jedi had in the Clone War."
Soresu Mastery (2 resource cost Blue Upgrade)
Whenever the character this card is attached to takes damage, give that character one shield.
Obi-Wan-Kenobi (Blue Hero)
Jedi General
13 health
1 Melee
2 Melee
1 Shield
2 Shield
1 Reroll
Action - Remove all your dice to remove that many opponent's dice.
"Your move."
Darth Vader's TIE Advanced (Support Red)
6 cost
2 Ranged
3 Ranged
4 Ranged
5 Ranged (1 cost)
2 disrupt
3 disrupt (1 cost)
After you play this card you may remove any vehicle on opponent's side.
"He was the best star pilot in the galaxy."
Yoda (Blue Hero)
Jedi Master
11 health
2 Melee
3 Melee
2 Ranged
2 Reroll
2 Resource
After you activate this character you may play a blue card for 1 less resources.
"Much to learn, you stll have."
Grand Admiral Thrawn (Red Villain)
Master Startegist
10 health
1 Ranged
2 Reroll
2 Disrupt
2 Discard
2 Resource
After you consecutively roll two blanks (-) with this character's die, turn any
number of die of either player to the side of your choice.
"I study the art of war. Work to perfect it."

After you exhaust this character you may resolve one of its dice. If you dealt damage this way, reroll that die instead of removing it from your pool.

How about now? :P Also, could the wording be better?

Darth Sidious (Blue Villain)

Dark Lord of the Sith

11 health

2 Ranged

3 Ranged (1 cost)

+2 Ranged

1 Melee

2 Discard



After an opponent's character is defeated, you may remove all your die to put the said character

on your side with half its health (without any upgrades).


"The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."


Ahsoka Tano (Blue Hero)

Force Wielder

10 health

1 Melee

+2 Melee

3 Melee (1 cost)

1 Reroll

2 Resource



After you exhaust this character you may resolve one of its dice. If you dealt damage this way,

reroll that die instead of removing it from your pool.


"I am no jedi."


Anakin Skywalker (Blue Hero)

The Chosen One

12 health

2 Melee

+2 Melee

3 Melee (1 cost)

2 Reroll

2 Resource



You can attach any blue villain ability or upgrade to this character.

You can include blue villain abilities and upgrades in your deck.


"He was the greatest warrior the Jedi had in the Clone War."


Obi-Wan-Kenobi (Blue Hero)

Jedi General

13 health

1 Melee

2 Melee

1 Shield

2 Shield

1 Reroll



Action - Remove all your dice to remove that many opponent's dice.


"Your move."


Darth Vader's TIE Advanced (Support Red)

7 cost

2 Ranged

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

5 Ranged (1 cost)

2 disrupt

3 disrupt (1 cost)


After you exhaust this card for the first time, you may remove any vehicle on the opponent's side.

"He was the best star pilot in the galaxy."


Yoda (Blue Hero)

Jedi Master

11 health

2 Melee

+3 Melee

1 Ranged

2 Reroll

2 Resource



After you activate this character you may play a blue support card for 1 less resources.


"Much to learn, you stll have."


Grand Admiral Thrawn (Red Villain)

Master Startegist

10 health

1 Ranged

2 Reroll

2 Disrupt

2 Discard

2 Resource



After you consecutively roll two blanks (-) with this character's die, turn any

number of die of either player to the side of your choice.


"I study the art of war. Work to perfect it."


Darth Revan (Blue Neutral)

The Prodigal Knight

12 health

2 Melee

+2 Melee

2 Ranged (1 cost)

1 Disrupt

1 Discard



You may sacrifice this character and another on your side to destroy any other character.


"He made me a Sith Lord and called me Darth Revan. I killed for him, I turned on the Republic

- but I have found redemption."


HK-47 (Red Neutral)

Assassination Droid

11 health

0 Ranged

1 Ranged (1 cost)

0 Melee

0 Discard

0 Shield



When you resolve this character's die, give 1 to its value for each character on the opponent's side.


"Interjection: Silence, meatbag."


Darth Maul (Blue Villain)

Son of Dathomir

10 health

1 Melee

2 Melee

+2 Melee

1 Disrupt

1 Discard



After this character is defeated, put it on your side with half its health (you may do this only once).


"My hatred kept my spirit intact even though my body was not."


Soresu Mastery (3 resource cost Blue Upgrade)

Whenever the character this card is attached to takes damage, give that character one shield.


Edited by Devizz

Suggestion for Thrawn's design:

1 Ranged Dmg

1 Disrupt

2 Discard

1 resource



Special: Choose three dice, change those to any side you choose. Re-roll this die instead of removing it from your pool.

More cards (weapons and events this time around):

Ahsoka's Lightsabers (4 cost Blue Neutral Upgrade)
2 Melee
3 Melee
+3 Melee
1 Resource
Blue character only.
<Special icon> when attached to a hero character - After you resolve a die, put it back into your pool.
<Special icon> when attached to a villain character - Increase the value of all your dice by 1 (for one turn).
Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber (5 cost Blue Hero Upgrade)
3 Melee
4 Melee (1 cost)
+3 Melee
2 Shield
Blue character only.
<Special icon> - You may ready a character this card is attached to.
"That lightsaber was Luke's and his father's before him, and now it calls to you."

A New Beginning (2 resource cost Blue Hero Event)

You and your opponent both pass and begin a new upkeep phase.
"This is a new day, a new beginning."
Balance of the Force (6 resource cost Blue Hero Event)
Remove all damage from a blue villain character and one of your blue hero characters.
"Yet, open to us a path remains that unknown to the Sith is. Through this path, victory we may yet find.
Not victory in the Clone Wars, but victory for all time."
Consumed by the Dark Side (5 resource cost Blue Villain Event).
Place 2 damage on a blue hero character for every 1 damage on one of your blue villain characters.
"Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him."
A New Hope (3 resource cost Blue Hero Event).
Choose a character. That character is immune to all damage until the next upkeep phase.
"We must persevere. And in time, a new hope will emerge."
Echoes of the Past (1 resource cost Blue Hero Event)
After you play this card and your hand is empty, you may remove all of your opponent's dice.
"Obi-Wan... let go."
Also slightly changed the wording for HK-47:
HK-47 (Red Neutral)
Assassination Droid
11 health
0 Ranged
1 Ranged (1 cost)
0 Melee
0 Discard
0 Shield
When you resolve this character's die, increase its value by 1 for each character on the opponent's side.
"Interjection: Silence, meatbag."
Edited by Devizz

Suggestion for Thrawn's design:

1 Ranged Dmg

1 Disrupt

2 Discard

1 resource



Special: Choose three dice, change those to any side you choose. Re-roll this die instead of removing it from your pool.

@devizz keep the ideas coming fun to read

How about chewbacca?

Might design him too, we'll see. ;) The cards I made are more force themed if you will (HK-47 being an exception), even thought of a name for the expansion: Legends of the Force. So not sure about Chewbacca but again, anything is possible.

Edited by Devizz

Designed a bunch of brand new characters, thoughts?

Edited by Devizz

Most of the characters seem waay strong. I think as far as damage 2 and 3 should be the most for a character. If your running a team of 2-3 greivous would be broken as all get out. I think the strength of a card is in its special or effects.

I do think I would change HK-47, Something like assassin protocol esc.

1 Range

1 Range

2 Range for 1 Resource

2 Disrupt

1 Special

1 Special

Special: Resolve one of your character or upgrade dice on this character to give it a +1 modifier and the damage is unblockable.

Darth Maul:

1 Melee

1 Melee

2 Melee

1 Shield

1 Resource

1 Blank

Ability: You may resolve on your character dice showing melee damage and deal that much damage to 2 different targets.


3 Melee

1 Focus

1 Discard

1 Disrupt

2 Shield

1 Blank

Ability: You may remove one your matching character dice to play a blue upgrade - ability on this character with no cost.

Edited by Ryertangent

Darth Sidious:

2 Range

2 Range

2 Discard

2 Disrupt

1 Special

1 Blank

Special: Discard an ability upgrade from an opponent to the discard pile.

Ability: You may exhaust this chard to deal each enemy character 2 damage.


1 Melee

1 Melee

1 Melee

2 Melee

1 Special

1 Blank

Ability: Whenever this character deals melee damage, gain shields equal to the amount of damage received by the opponent.

Special: You may move all of the shields on this character to a another character.

Revan: Neutral

1 X

1 X

2 X

1 Disrupt

1 Discard

1 Blank

Ability: You may include Blue Villain and Hero Ability-Upgrades in your deck. Revan ignores play restrictions on blue ability upgrade cards.

Ability: When resolving a die with X you may choose what damage source it represents (Range or Melee)

Anakin Skywalker:

1 Ranged

1 Melee

2 Melee

2 Focus

1 Special

1 Blank

Ability: Before this character deals damage, you may remove a shieldfrom that target.

Special: You may resolve this die matching any blue ability upgrade as if it was yours in play.

Edited by Ryertangent


1 Ranged

1 Ranged

1 Resource

1 Resource

1 Blank

1 Blank

Ability: Before this character resolves a damage die showing the (Ranged symbol) your opponent must resolve a die showing ranged damage to this target.

Ability: Whenever this character rolls a blank, you may spend 1 resource to turn it to any side.

Ability: Before this character is defeated deal 2 damage to the character who dealt defeated him.


X Ranged

X Ranged

X Disrupt

X Discard

1 Blank

1 Blank

Ability: Before rolling this characters dice you may discard any number of resources, X is equal to the number of resources discarded this way.

Ability: Whenever this character resolves a character die, you may spend X resource to reroll that die back into your dice pool.

Edited by Ryertangent