Do you need a LS and DS deck for competitive play?

By AUStarwars, in Star Wars: Destiny

Has it been said yet if we will need decks for both sides? I am assuming yes but wasn't sure

No you don't, you can play dark vs Dark or Light Vs light. You only need one deck to play in tournament.

No. You just need 1 deck. You can play villain versus villain, or hero versus hero. You only need 1 deck.

Cool thanks

Tournament rules haven't been released yet have they?

The standard rules allow Heros to play against Heros and Villians to play against Villians but there's always the possibility that the tournament format will require a deck for each faction or something.

Tournament rules haven't been released yet have they?

The standard rules allow Heros to play against Heros and Villians to play against Villians but there's always the possibility that the tournament format will require a deck for each faction or something.

The rules say for normal games that you can play Hero vs Hero or Villain vs Villain, so I doubt they would change that for tournament rules.

We have to wait and see.

But it is unlikely to need 2 decks.

We have to wait and see.

But it is unlikely to need 2 decks.

Edited by Stone37

Many of the games that have you play two decks are asynchronous.

However, Destiny is a fair game between two decks that follow the same rules, deck building possibilities and rules. As such it is most unlikely, with a probability in excess of 96.66% repeating that we'll not require two decks.

You needed two decks for competitive Star Wars LCG play because the game rules didn't accommodate mirror matches. That's not the case here.