Question on 'Drudge Work'

By Ywingscum, in Star Wars: Destiny

Action: Exhaust this support and one of your characters to gain 1 resource.

If I have 2 copies of Drudge Work out, do I have to exhaust 2 characters (and both copies of Drudge Work obviously) to get 2 resources?

My hunch is yes, because the criteria calls for exhausting the character as part of the cost. But the way past rulings in other games have gone, I thought it worth asking because if I can get 2 resources for exhausting one character, i.e. a stormtrooper to guarrantee resources I'm in!

It would be two separate actions and an unexhausted character would need to be exhausted for each, because you can't exhaust an exhausted character again.

Edited by netherspirit

When you exhaust your character to resolve Drudge Work do you get to roll all dice attached to that character or are you forgoing that characters dice for the round to get the resource?

I believe you forgoe the characters dice. When you 'activate' a character you exhaust it and roll it's dice. So exhausting the character means he can't be 'activated'.

I believe you forgoe the characters dice. When you 'activate' a character you exhaust it and roll it's dice. So exhausting the character means he can't be 'activated'.

I concur, message is authentic.


When I play it out in my head the answer is obvious. Action exhaust this support and a character to gain a resource. So I obviously couldn't exhaust both copies of Drudge Work anyway, as that would be 2 actions.

Thanx for the help guys.

Can't wait to the game to be out, so instead of thinking about the game I can be playing it instead.