Ok, playing last night and at the end of the session the last thing my group did was make an astrogation check. Now this isn't that odd but the result is making me scratch my head a bit as to how to resolve it, they got a net result of 1 Failure, 2 Triumphs and 1 Despair.
Now I kind of want them to get to their destination so was going to have the failure result in them jumping into realspace super close to the target planet (essentially crashing) and the despair resulting in damage to the hyperdrive - the triumphs I was thinking to leave to them to use to assist with trying not to end up pancaked on the planets surface (so boosts to pilot checks, enabling them to do something else cool) but I figured I'd cast it out there to see if any of you guys have any other ideas for what to do with this slightly irregular result?